Thoughts on Bernie Sanders statement?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TNT_Stripping_dat_ASS, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. That's exactly what I said when I put "large amounts of people don't understand how those in the gheetos live." I never said only blacks did nor did I say only whites.

    Sanders is losing to Hillary with the black vote. He wants it.

    And I don't think your comparison isn't a "comparison." Just a thought point.
  2. it's definitely a comparison. If another candidate, trump for example said something similar then the democrats would be screaming racist and bigot. Since it was Bernie though, he probably didn't mean it that way.
  3. Well trump is a racist and bigot. Many republicans call him that as well. If you want to keep pandering to the two party paradigm without question fine, but you need to accept that Trump's candidacy is based off prejudice. He has no real plan. He has never illustrated any plan. He is using 1930's German tactics to gain votes. Find a scapegoat (or multiple ones) and make hollow promises of greatness.
  4. Cynder, I realize you have a Trump obsession, but this thread is about Sanders. Want to discuss trump, make a trump thread.
  5. Bernie doesn't have a history of saying things like that, does he?

    Now, does trump?
  6. Bruh I was responding to you "if trump said this he would be labeled a racist and bigot".
  7. Well...Trump's speech is about excluding a minority. Bernie's statement was about helping a minority to rise and to gain full potential. I fail to see any similarity. And he is right. Do white people live in ghettos? Of course. But the overwhelming majority of white people have no idea how it is to grow and to get away of a ghetto.
  8. The point of this thread is not to discuss the history of other candidates. It's to discuss one mans statement, and why apparently he gets a free pass.
  9. He gets a "pass" because in context his statement is in no way racist. It is based around fact and his intentions are to help ALL Americans regardless of class, gender, religion, or race.
  10. He didn't say the overwhelming majority. We are taking his statement as quoted. Don't defend him by changing the words that came out of his mouth.
  11. In order to explain why he gets, what you call "a free pass" you have to look at the history. Trump doesn't because his intent is blatantly seen. Bernie's was a poor choice of words.
  12. Which fact? Show me a fact that says white people don't know how it feels to be poor.
  13. It wasn't a poor choice. It was specifically worded to pander to a certain race, while insulting all the white people that are just as poor as the poorest black man.
  14. White people dont know systematic oppression. Ghettos are part of that systematic oppression and a direct result of the remnants of segregation
  15. What Bernie said isn't even halfway offensive as what Donald trump has said previously. Just seems like you're picking the cherries here.
  16. AJ, from your first post you have been centered on trump. I realize I used him in a comparison in a reply towards you, but again this is a thread about something sanders said. Make a trump thread if you want to point out his flaws. Defending ones actions by using worse actions of another is a weak defense.
  17. Cynder, who said anything about systematic oppression. This thread is about a comment made that white people do not know how it feels to be poor. You keep bringing up other topics in defense, but they are not related too, and do not defend his statement in anyway.
  18. TNT, I have answered your topic. But again, you can't just focus solely on Bernie. And it is a great defense. One man says one thing out of place vs a man who slanders everyone everyday.

    But I would want to exclude that part from the convo if I were you aswell. So nvm. Carry on.
  19. It matters because CONTEXT MATTERS. Jesus.
  20. Support 2K16.