Thor Is Getting Neutered

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Nov 22, 2015.

  1. As long as they play Wagner's Die Valkure...
  2. I find Thor hot now... he has big eye lashes.. 

  3. Might as well bring Loki-ette too..

    *Bucket list.. Make out session with Thor and Loki chicks..
  4. I take it back (one of those "I immediately regret this decision" moments)

    Those horns are scary..
  5. Not fair ashes, if I comment on that the missus would kill me 

    And charlie what's wrong with reading comics when you are young?
    Is that not who they are aimed at? Kids learning to read or already reading. Fantastic way to encouraging diverse thought and just showing an interest in reading and the world around them.
    Those stupid Star Trek geeks only went and created touch screen computers and mobile communicators after all.
    A world without the geeks heck no.
    Just make sure your friends with them or they will laugh at you when you are broke and they are rolling in it. 
    Actually they probably laugh at us anyway. 
  6. Please do comment..
  7. Well Thor did dress as a woman to get his hammer back according to the mythology. A bride to be more precises.
    Maybe they picked something up from that lmao
  8. Lili watches Thor, I bet Lili also likes Loki...
  9. [​IMG]
    .......... ...........
  10. A female Thor is whack.

    Jessica jones is where it's at ?
  11. Femanázis. Get back in the kitchen and do as you are told
  12. Lol, it must be a different humm..errr hammer? :D
  14. So Chris Hemsworth is being dropped for a girl? May as well make Captain America, Captain Australia as the Aussies had a female prime minister. Maybe Julia Gillard can play the role, iron man can be Iron Girl, ft. Jennifer Hawkings <<< I like that idea actually.
  15. I dont like this change I think Thor should stay how he is and just add the woman Thor with gold hammer instead
  16. I dont like this change I think Thor should stay how he is and just add the woman Thor with gold hammer instead
  17. Its funny cuz most my friends that are girls saw thor for his abs
  18. Its funny cuz most my friends that are girls saw thor for his abs
  19. I'M gonna make this simple all business are started to make money increase money ect. Business cannot have compassion emotions basicaly. This would = smaller profits. The business model is to expand and increase profits . So any business that does not make decisions based solely on money has a great chance of failing. Why because they don't make decisions based on money which is needed to well maintain the business.anyone that thinks business make decisions otherwise has prob been influenced by numerous businesses throughout life to think they make decisions based on public intest. This is grossly inaccurate. So of course it's a money grab and yes they are doin it for certain reasons based on its gonna make money based on people's desires and wants. Do they care what you desire yes if they can make money, but say it harms your health ect they don't care. Which leads to its always about the money. I could go on for hours but I'm sure those that understand didn't need to read what I wrote. Those that don't probably censor reality regularly so as not to have to critacly think. I hope the Thor chick is sexy :)