Sorry was going to leave but. I enjoy re-reading them with my children. They don't like the new versions. 2 not for money? Of course it is. Everything is. The ratings spiked massively for she- Thor. Miles and co sell far more comics to African Americans than to any white past reader base. And the comics they are trying to kill off ie x-men see current storyline where all are suffering and wolverine is dead. Fantastic four comics stopped. Why. To try and force fox etc to sell the rights back to marvel. Why, because the films make marvel far more than the comics ever will. The lesser films you mentioned. They pushed out good movies though unknown on the backs of avengers and ironman which people adored. People were wiling to take the risk. But not half as much as they did with iron man or avengers. That strategy is now getting risky. That's why fiege has already stated the only Spider-Man that will be on screen is going to be Peter Parker. It's a safe bet. The fan base is there. Next 5 years will make or break the movies. People have invested emotion in what they have seen and grown fond of. Will that continue as the screen characters change? Personally I doubt it. But we will see. The comics have the edge they can do almost anything that reflects current society values and push the limits and worse case reset with a huge silly event and all goes back to similar to how it was before. The decline in comic sales is largely due to older readers growing up and moving on. Hence movies. That's why they now seek out the new readers that did not identify with the previous characters. As I said. It's a shame they destroy the icons that made them famous. Specially when characters like black panther had enough appeal and new ones could have easily been made, without pushing away the older fan base. Old fans like yourself DMC are very find of their memories. To marvel though. It is just a cash grab. It always has been and always will be. It may be comics. But first and foremost. They are a business. They just sell stories.
Thor as a god is a man. Not a goddess. You can take a medieval Scandinavian goddess and make her into a superhero, but you shouldn't change a god's gender
Re: Thor Is Getting A Change Women ARE still discriminated against in many areas of society. There's still tons of people who think that work is less important to women, because they think that their husband is going to be doing the working once they have kids. This, in turn, stops a lot of women from advancing in the workplace.
Re: Thor Is Getting A Change Look into how much Jen got paid for hunger games. And black widow in avengers. Women are underpaid in every sector of private business. ( possibly excluding health care in America which is private. In the UK it's equal based on role in nhs ).
Re: Thor Is Getting A Change They are man!!! I mean cmon! It's outrageous! When was the last time you ever heard of a man going through childbirth?! It's SO sexist! /sarcasm This is probably pushed by Nicola sturgeon of the Scottish national party. She was talking about 50% female board room members, not taking into account any ability or anything, if you're a woman then you should be bumped up to match the numbers. Now this? IMO it's her.
Marvel has been dealing with political issues via their comics for well over 30 years. Many issues they actually attack well before they become well publicized. To expect an industry who tries to keep their universe somewhat tied to actual reality to not tackle the political atmosphere of the immediate culture and to call it a flat out money grab and tailcoating is just incorrect. It was never done solely for money. A good amount of these authors have a good amount of freedom in where their story goes. Yes there is a board of directors and yadda yadda yadda. Once again, to say it is SOLELY a money grab is wrong. :lol: I'm not going to try convincing you anymore, especially since you are too dismissive to answer half of your questions in order to safely make your assessment yourself. Also if you read the comics to your kids I'm sure you know there's a separate kids line now and that most of the normal titles are rated 13+ for Marvel and DC and are actually more catering to the young adult / adult crowd nowadays.
Actually as I said. It's hard to get them here so it doesn't matter what they sell. We get the movies. And yup I make up my own mind. All people should. Dismissive, nope. Opinionated yep. And hmm lets see spouse abuse hank pym. Gay pride. X-men. Nope not aware of social issues discussed in comics. Not aware of them interesting the reader of the day with stories that engage them. I'm sure if they had sold totally boring none evocative stories they would have sold millions of comics. I'm certain they wouldn't have panicked when collectors destroyed the market for second hand comics by buying dozens per subscriber. A trend that collapsed. Good stories engage and interest the reader. I know comics do this well. And now the movies do. But it is a cash grab. They don't do it for free. The comics and writers need to sell to live. To deny they do it for a living is silly. They do it to make money first. And they are happy to destroy their own products like the fantastic four and wolverine to get the rights back for the movies. They have one main failing. They don't own half the rights to their own characters movie and tv wise. Hence no mutants in movies from marvel. It's an advantage dc have. They own the rights to all their characters. Their failing. They insist on being total straight laced no humour in movies. Something marvel excel at. So far. Doesn't matter how much you love the comics. If they don't sell products. They don't earn and the characters you live will die out. It's all for money. And yup it's a cash grab for ratings they said it themselves. And yes it's similar to kaw. No money no kaw. Another thing we like that would be shutdown without a profit.
Women are very much still discriminated against. But this is a battle on the wrong front. Don't blame feminists, blame the extreme ones. Same thing goes for any group. There are whackos in every bunch who use a movement as an excuse to justify their prejudices. There are way more important battles to fight than fictional character gender swaps. Like women's healthcare, women still being blamed for being victims of sexual assault etc. Anyways that's my two cents. But I hate to see people use this as their excuse to marginalize all feminists. You clearly don't know much about the movement of you believe this is an accurate representation of feminism. I'm a male feminist. I believe in equal rights.
What they fail to realize, is that the female portion of the fan base is there to see bad ass muscle heros, not female versions.
From a woman point of view I don't need a second hand heroine. That's thinking less of women to assume we are going to be satisfied with something that lacks originality from the get go. Tbh idk what audience is even targeted here. It's not girls. Cause we are watching those movies for hot guys. Guys? Cause putting boobs on Thor is going to make them watch it? That's kind of sexist too.
You are absolutely stupid. Where did I say they aren't doing ANY of it for profit? I didn't and your lack of reading comprehension shows here. I said they are NOT doing only as a cash grab, that they have polticially invested themselves over years which is TRUE. :lol: I'm done though. Should've never entered this conversation. The most intellectual brick wall. :lol:
Perhaps when marvel realise that their female audience is there for male Thor and their female fan base diminishes.... He might be back.
if you have a point of view that differs 1 you are stupid 2 you are wrong for having a different opinion Wow and I thought we all had a right to see things differently. No wonder the world can't play nice. Good point on who are they aiming new Thor at. Personally with the costume is have to say young boys. I doubt that look appeals to many women. Unless they Like being stereo typed.
No they changing it to a woman because they want all the weirdos who sit at home reading comics all day to come and see a Thor who they find hot lol