This Weekend: Help Support the Immunity Project

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. 
  2. look at this aids test
    80 to 90% of aids victims have hsv genital herpes
    1 in 10 herpes victims have aids
    thus 90% false positive have genital herpes but not aids. 8 to 9 % positive for aids and genital herpes. 1 to 2 % failure rate positive for aids but do not have herpes. Now for the test it takes 10 sec check and ensure your lover does not have groin sores ie genital herpes
  3. Give aid to aids!
  4. I want this vaccine so I can go around raw doggin like it was the 60s...

    Actually i do that anyway but the vaccine would be good piece of mind
  5. This would be a good time to release the New Dragon eb may increase your sales.
  6. More like a good time to buy a Kawreer's worth of xtals because they wont see a penny of it 
  7. Saw this post and had to have a look.
    My wife's team hear of a lot of research teams and this didnt ring a bell.
    Not a surprise they are so new and from an unrelated background

    The status of this team is that they are a very new research team in the HIV field having before focused on the actual vaccination process and delivery methods.
    Though there is some skepticism there is equal support and curiosity.
    The team are focusing on the relatively new area of T cell response. This area has become a prime target for teams developing vaccines and is in its infancy.

    Where a lot of commercial drug companies will focus on long term higher profit treatment as opposed to cures / vaccines this company are aiming at free to patient vaccines.
    Sorry but yes that is true. Those who work in the medical profession can attest that though many desire a cure. Profit is in treating long term sick not curing them.

    There are several teams developing similar t-cell technology and though this is a relatively new technology medically speaking.
    I won't mention other teams here but implore you to research T cell vaccines and treatments. A common search would be anti virus news

    With T-cell and RNA developments coming to the forefront of medical science investigation there is a fast changing scene and many trying to enter this market.
    Combining this with new computer modelling research is ever more improved though very time consuming still with clinical trials requiring millions of dollars and years of research.
    The predicted costs of figures I have seen for this project are the stated at a total of $25million US dollars to completion of phase one clinical trials in the USA and South Africa. With the aforementioned 482 thousand needed for the animal trials. This is where mice are infused with human Blood to test the efficacy of the treatment.

    I have to encourage people to think of this. Though there is an element of risk in trying to develop any cure and this may or may not result in a vaccine, even with the best of results and assuming that the treatment works as predicted, it will be a minimum of 5 years before a cure can be "marketed". Fast track FDA approval could reduce that but with a new treatment that's unlikely.
    The more teams investigating this and other viral cures the more chance of success one or more teams have.
    The immunity project are seeking crowd funding.
    This directly limits the risk to a single investor whilst raising capital, via mass donations.
    In the realm of new medical technology this frees up multiple research teams to seek out multiple paths with the same end goal.

    Kaw in this instance is helping with crowd funding an excellent opportunity for you to donate to this cause with zero risk and an assured return worst case you get xtals. Bescase. The world gets a much needed antiviral medication.

    You have nothing to lose donating to this cause. So show some support for it.
  8. Achievement? I'm in!
    And, because of the cause of course... :)
  9. Great cause! This doesn't only benefit certain people, this benefits everyone even those who donate.
  10. Honest? Seems like an excuse to have unprotected sex, but whatever.
  11. Would it be possible to update this when it is live? I believe it is one hour until it is live, however I wouldn't like to be wrong...
  12. ^ sounds like a chance to help save millions of lives or lose 1-whatever many dollars trying.
    Research this company and the research they are doing and if that's not worth a shot to you what is?
    Do some good when you buy your next set of xtals. And buy them this weekend. 
  13. The Immunity Project weekend is now underway and together we can make a difference.
  14. No achievement?
  15. Devs can u please make it so we can get it by buying nobs? I only have $3 which is enough to buy 4-5 Lots nob? That's $3 towards the cause... Can you atleast take this into thought!
  16. This is for terra
    He DIDNT believe that I could see his achievement :D here ya go mate

  17. Useless achievement if I can't see it!

    I won't believe it until I see it with my own eyes.
  18. We're looking into the achievement not showing. Hang tight and I'll update you soon.
  19. Also, I would like to report another bug (although very useful to me)

    When users view my profile (I think it may be only on android and PC) their kaw crashes. Might want to fix before war.