This OP has effort

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Pie, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. /leavemythread
    No intelligence
  2. /LeaveForums
    Waste of space
  3. /also leave my thread
  4. Nah I was replying to you so I think I'll stay a while
  5. No you weren't. Now leave
  6. Read up it was a pretty clear reply to you even quoted you and everything Bby
  7. You don't get some divine right to stay on my thread purely because you replied to my comment which was aimed at someone else. If it was aimed at you, then of course you had the right to reply to it, and then stop posting on my thread. As it happens it wasn't aimed at you, so you have no right to continue posting.

    Now leave. Bye
  8. I replied to the content within this thread and its posts, you brought up a subject and I added to it making me on topic still, so im here bby. Don't be butthurt
  9. Your post had nothing to do with the topic of the thread. The post you quoted was me requesting someone to leave my thread. That is not what the topic of the thread is and you have no right to stay on my thread especially considering your attempt at derailing it. Now leave
  10. Your derailing it not me, you as op added a new topic of someone's intelligence when asking him to leave, I just expanded upon that topic which you added in. Now please stop derailing your thread(also insulting someone's intelligence can be seen as bashing so be careful not to get a short forum ban). We good now yea?
  11. TS;DC
  12. You have been kindly asked to leave the thread if You continue to post after this warning you will be forum banned for 24 hours.

    Thank you.
  13. We're not arguing against the locking of threads. We're arguing against the fact that some moderators think they can lock thread for what THEY deem a 'lack of effort'. Mods uphold ToU. Effort doesn't have anything to do with that.

    I've been part of several forums. Not once have I ever seen locks for this 'lack of effort'. Effort is not part of a ToU. Mods have set a precedent now. Hell people post #inb4Eagle - that should be enough to tell you what a joke it is. Stick to ToU and don't make up rules that suit what you (not singling you out) think.
  14. when I am bigger I am gonna have an eagle farm.
  15. Have fun 
  16. Stahp lol

  17. You are low effort
  18. Still happening
  19. I am getting closer... scared yet?..