Agreed I saw an Anime thread it was low effort but it looked as though it was getting traction, I was even about to post in it. Devs need to keep a leash on there mods.
Agreed I saw an interesting thread earlier it was low effort but it looked as though it was getting traction, I was even about to post in it. Devs need to keep a leash on their mods.
A bit of an overreaction saying they need a leash. They just need to be asked to consider letting threads run before locking
I saw the anime thread too. First lock for 'lack of effort' that I'd seen in a few days. Thought this thread had gotten through to mods...apparently not. It's not up to mods to tell someone that their thread is a lack of effort. That anime thread could have been all the effort the OP thought was needed. You wanna lock spammy threads or ones against ToU? Go for it. But get rid of this crap about lack of effort.
Owners = Devs Dogs = Mods Leash = the power the devs gives to the mods It's analogy not really insulting, But its also the devs job to make sure the mods don't abuse the power, like closing every thread just because "low effort" but is actually a legitimate active topic.
Does it actually state in ToU what an 'effortful' thread is? Where did this 'lack of effort' even come from in the first place? As far as I'm concerned, mods uphold ToU. Unless ToU states threads need to be more than a line long, then 'lack of effort' should never have been bought into forums.
Agreed that post was only up for an hour or two, Didn't even give it a chance because a few trolls where derailing it. I was about to post in it but Eagle locked it because he is basically H*tler and the forums is his Germany.
There is no need to single out mods and compare them in that way. That's not what this is about. No need to get this locked for unnecessary comments like that.
They are mods we are the players it's our job to single out and give criticism. The only ones worth mentioning that keeps forums alive is Moose, Been around for three years and it's rare to see Moose close a thread unless it's been completley derailed or inappropriate. Just because a thread is "low effort" doesn't mean the topic isn't worth the discussion or being in forums.
There is a big difference between giving mods criticism and comparing them to the Holocaust. Do not try and justify that because you think it is criticism. That comment was unnecessary. Now back to what the thread is actually about...I say 'lack of effort' should not be used. If that's all a mod can think of, it shouldn't be locked. It'll die on it's own.
It's not our job to criticise mods. It's our job to follow the rules and appreciate what they do as they do it to sustain the game for us. This isn't an attack on mods. This is an evaluation of locking protocol
Never tried to justify it, It's my opinion lol no need to get butthurt over it. Simply comparing just because you disagree with me doesn't mean I'm wrong nor if I disagree with you doesn't mean you are wrong. Take it with a grain of salt an try not to get too salty about it. Hopefully now that I've mentioned salt that doesn't offend you either but than again it's the Internet your going to get offended.
Offended by salt? Not at all. Now if you'd mentioned sugar, that might have been a different story... I looked through ToU quickly, nothing mentioned about effort. Spam and nonsensical posts etc., yes. But nothing about effort. So why exactly did this 'lack of effort' come in to play in the first place?
If there's no effort it will slide to bottom because of Noone posting . No need for a thread to be locked for someone's perception of effort . Spam yes lock. Tou breaking then lock. Let the community decide if they wanna post if they don't thread will dissappear over time. Also what's the big deal on posting on a old thread . I like a few mods some I dont. But it's the I have power mods I don't like. The I'm here to help mods I like.
I think it's a a silent rule amongst the community. Used to be a post about "low effort" threads with tips. There used to be people that you'd higher an allie from them and they'd make you a thread.
Exactly, threads will die on their own. If the community thinks it's low effort, it'll die eventually.