I haven't missed the point, Todd. Please take the time to read the thread first and see what my comment was in relation to before commenting... This is what I was responding to. See? Players shouldn't have to be waiting for a 2 week long event to finish before working on their build appropriately. They start on their build from day 1. (If they end up changing, that's a different matter). Work on their CS from day 1. Not after 2 weeks while they wait for silver bars. That should be something they get additionally. It's a good idea in theory but not in practice. And that's the devs fault for having an unbalanced game and event system. If a new player goes attack build and wants to participate in events, they are disadvantaged from day 1. Devs need to fix it.
Support either option, they would eliminate more newbs quitting early from ally issues n i don't think its going to make any of the non-supporters quit if it is implemented.
LOLOL are you dense? ...someone else claims it takes two weeks and you start beating the same drum, I call u out on it and all the sudden it's not you who claims this but someone else and yours just resonding??? ....are you really that arrogant that you can't admit that if you didn't make that statement that u at the very least acknowledged it??? LOLOL.... ...REGARDLESS OF WHO STATED IT. IT DOES NOT TAKE TWO WEEKS TO STSRT BUILDING. YOU BUILD FROM DAY ONE LOL
lol and as stated by others who've posted on this thread ...it literally takes a day or two to get a bil or more nowadays ...and if a new player is so socially inept that they cant find someone who'll school them within the 1st few days they REALLY shouldn't be KAWing... ...frankly I don't want people like that playing KAW (who wants more chronic butthurt whiners who can't figure out simple math ...seriously)
We were actually making different points. I never said it should take 2 weeks to start. I was arguing exactly the opposite. Like I said, read and understand the thread first before commenting. You carry on though. This IS my point. It doesn't take 2 weeks to start. But as suggested by 13O, new players should start as a PS or GH, wait for a silver bar payout and then begin building properly. I'm saying it shouldn't be a 2 week process to start properly working on your Kingdom. It's something a new player should and is doing from day 1. Not a round about way to start building because devs have an imbanalanced event system.
lol ...when you 1st learned to play chess did you honestly expect to be a chess master within the 1st two weeks? ...when you 1st learned to play basketball were you dunking from the free throw line within the 1st two weeks? ...did u score a 300 game in bowling 1st two weeks, 250? 200 even? ....come on now people (lol) say what you will about the following statement but I actually take pride in the fact that I figured out what I know about KAW on my own and i damn well know for sure that most of you if not all feel the same way. When you figure stuff out it empowers you. Why you wanna take that away from me and cheapen
Again, you've gone on another tangent. You're completely misunderstanding the argument... The argument isn't a player should understand the game in 1 day. It should be a learning process for every player that takes a little while to figure out. Like anywhere, you start at the bottom and work your way up. However you're not at a stand still for 2 weeks waiting to get somewhere, doing nothing. You're continuously working on improving. We are both actually on the same page saying it should be a learning process. However you're arguing with me on a point I'm not arguing :lol:
...and devalue my KAW experience/history by just handing over the car keys to a newbie. Let em work for it like we (or at least I) had to.
Ruggy you can teach them how to break out the ole CC ifin u wanna ...u want shortcuts at least pay for em' iPhone
They should work for their build. In saying that though, there's a few small things that can be done to improve their new player experience without making it a walk in the park. KaW of today is different to the one of six years ago. However devs haven't moved beyond the KaW of six years ago, so to speak. A new tutorial and assistance with allies and the right clan is the right place to begin IMO. Neither of these sorts of updates would make it easy. But it'll make it easier for them to learn the game. If they start off with the right help, they might stick around for longer. New players benefits us all.
You know boredom leads to quitting, right? And this is an old platform time-based game, right? Assuming a new player with a single account (no don't teach them alts yet) starts the game with enough gold from volley doing low-tier ebs 16hours a day, can he/she become llbc in just a week?? in two weeks?? By the time llbc is achieved, do you think that player would stay? Knowing that he/she needs to tap tap the eb 16hrs a day, do you think he/she would go on and play tap tap tap tap all day, all weeks? Come on! A new player needs some breathing room, and that is why I suggested the easy route - events
Ok I agree with this, absolutely need new players ..I just think I'm more discretionary with who I want to KAW with lol. ...ya know ANYBODY can write this "tutorial" doesn't have to be the devs. Hear everyone mentioning it but not doing nothin' bout it.
Ruggy why don't you take some newbs under your wing and teach em something real they can use... ...ev1 cares so damn much about having new players then ev1 should be doing it but from what I see any new peeps poke their head up in forums it gets lopped off with a machete' lol (i.e.: deadlyspankingangel & Catfish lol)
A player can play as long or as little time as the like on the game. Be it 1 hour or 16. However they have to understand that the more active they are, the faster (generally speaking) they'll grow. I'm not sure why you're responding as if I suggested they should KaW all day, every day and ignore events. Events are an excellent source of income for a new player. Particularly if they're very active as they have more of a potential to earn a higher tier. I disagree that they should have to wait for event pay out in order to start building properly, as you suggested. Events are a great way for smaller players to make extra gold while still earning gold from other aspects of the game. It shouldn't be their only source of profit however. It should be an additional source of profit. Yes, hansels have a better drop rate. That is a mistake on the devs part. It shouldn't be up to the players to work around the mistakes of the devs. It should be up to the devs to create the correct balance. PS is definitely one way to help with the ally problem. I suspect though, a new player will find it frustrating not to see themselves making some immediate gold with attacks. Waiting till the end of the eb might make them frustrated, particularly if they don't know the mechanics. A 30 day automatic MP spell or a lock down period where allies can't be hired also solves this problem. A small tweak devs could make to improve new player retention. However another idea that will go by the board. Titan has made one. However new players don't know anything about it unless they're told about it. If devs can't be bothered updating their tutorial, they could at the least point them in the direction to Titan's one. I try to wall new players and help them when I see them in WC. However, devs have to be a part of the process also.
I try to help new players when I see them in WC by helping with a volley and walling them about MP and Titan's tutorial. Only so much players can do though.
Well good for you (slow clapping) ...lol I still think it was so crappy the way everyone dissed deadly angel just because she came from PIMD she obviously had a real interest in learning KAW and the mechanics and wanted to be part of the KAWmunity (lol)... ...Say what you will about my conduct but I was never that ass crappy to a new player who had genuine questions/interests in the game. No wonder we ain't got new folks up in here lol