This is Why people quit

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Dragon-of-Domanation, Aug 18, 2016.

  1. When is the last time you saw me attack a new player for expressing a legitimate concern?
  2. I was referring to the name "Word waster"
  3. Careful now there's a few big words in there that might confuse him and cause him to go on a defensive rant 
  4. Ah. I thought you were referring to my old "copy paste" insults posts that I used to make when new players were acting like idiots.

    @boba- you're an idiot to try to engage with me. You are just going to end up looking like a fool in the end.
  5. I completely agree and it sill amazes me that ATA hasn't made a simple fix for this. Later in KaW life, staying at MP and having allies hired away from you is part of the game. For the first 30 days though when you're learning the's just frustrating as all hell and is counter productive to keeping new players in the game.

    The solution is simple. When an account is created and they get the cool newby spells....just have one additional spell that lasts 30 days and makes the account always act like it's at MP. The person could still hire allies and sell them and do everything like normal but they would never be under MP for those first 30 days.

    Then, when they've spent a month and ideally built up some size and gold, the spell wears off and they have enough to hire a bit larger ally that won't disappear every 15 minutes.

    Why this hasn't been done baffles me. As a business owner you see a situation where you are potentially losing customers and the fix to solve that problem costs you very little (30 minutes of a programmer's time). I'd make that my first thing to fix.
  6. See, defensive  oh me oh my hope the faceless people I never met in my life don't think less of me over the Internet, not sure what I'll do with my life if that were to ever happen 
  7. Dude send this through feedback! A really great idea, had a friend of mine join this game around December had to explain he was still making money off of hires and to just hire different allies after and that BFA comes later just hold MP as best as he can.
  8. Who are you even? This isn't the first time I've noticed you trying to take pot shots at me.
  9. I'm the guy who broke a rib laughing at how much you cling to an online social status, also a part time bounty hunter.
  10. What are you even talking about? What "social status"? I've never been a part of any large social groups on kaw. Hell i don't even stay in a single clan for very long.

    So you are either thinking of someone else, or you know nothing about me.
  11. He wouldn't have enough characters to send it to feedback, although he could email the devs ;-)
  12. Seems like a 1st world problem to me
  13. Op, that is the very reason why new players should start as GH or PS. Hansels have the best event items drop rate. With the neverending events, let the silver bars take care of your growth to whatever build you want and keep allies at mp if you ever need them later.
  14. Pure Spies aren't Hansel genius, new players should start as an attack build maybe hybrid and save up their silver bars to either ug or convert build to try different mechanics of the game to see what they enjoy.

    Hahahahahahahahaha this person gets it!
  15. this guy kniws where it is for small guys
  16. No, you're the genius boba. Where did I say that hansel and ps are the same? The word "or" does not always mean the same, it may imply choices. :roll:
    That's a very welcoming and veeeery entertaining from a 6yr-old account.
  17. Big words confuse him
  18. now.theirs a220mil cs guy buying 1.6b allies i gwt