The stasis spell could be easily abused like the dtw system was in turtle wars. People could just use it for a free regen.
I like it minus the stasis spell I'm a merc and lost my bonus after a day of having it since I leave to help a lot. The home clan idea would help people like me who go help people who are in trouble on an almost daily basis.
That mith spell sounds good but in a different way. Use crystals instead of mith. So you have 2 crystals per war but you either use it to regen troops or go into stasis your choice. This will help out those who use cash or put hours into getting xtals from quests into use. And limit and seriously consider- is what I am about to do a right decision?
Lets say stasis lasts for half an hour. At the very last part of war stasis locks of at 45 minutes before war ends. So even if they do activate it there is still a fifteen minute windo to fight before war ends. You get me?
Disagree. Kaw is indeed a game of luck, just as luck plays in as in any war scenario. Kaw is also a game of exploiting weakness. If some noob has a gambling problem and blows 500 mithril on some shiny red helmet, that's his problem, not mine.
Well it is sort of a game of luck. It's a game of statistics. Like the fact that someone with higher stats has a chance of failing an attack or spy, though there is no real reason other than chance and variables. There is always a factor of luck in everything we do. Good thread. Well written and obviously thought out.
Why all the interest in "Home" Clans? I think this is selfish. ATA has invested time in Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 content that is going to waste. Any Clan "Family" taking it upon themselves to horde "resources" (new Kingdoms) and keep them under their Family umbrella by rewarding their sub-Clans by helping them complete Epic Battles they are far-prepared to complete on their own are doing those Players a disservice. If your Kingdom is War-Ready and along with other Kingdoms wins an Estoc Trial you certainly deserve your Edge. What you do not deserve is the right to take that Bonus to a non-participating sub-Clan to help them along AND receive your benefit at the same time. You need to make the decision to either keep your Edge or directly assist your sub-Clan. There are many, many Clans in this game desperate for Active members that do not have a Clan Family organization. Allowing Home Clans will force any and every smaller Clan in this game to have to find a more successful, larger Clan to support it. This is by no means fair to hundreds of growing Clans wishing to go at it their own way. Just because your Clan wishes to organize itself the way that it does doesn't make it smart for the game as a whole. Clan Membership is capped for a reason. If you seek to grow a Clan Family encompassing greater than a single-Clan's worth of Membership there must be some manner of sacrifice. You have assets at your disposal, again, that hundreds of other Clans do not. Why take this benefit for granted? Stick together, keep your Edge. Hop around to grow your Clan Family, accept the consequences. Demanding a best-of-both-worlds reward system from these Developers is asking too much. Think about it. As for the Stasis Spell, the Developer's first System War lasted five consecutive days. Now you want to tap out for one of the hours of a Estoc Trial lasting a total of four hours? Developers are already considering two hour "quickies", how weak is this game going to get?