They've always been heartless

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LittleMissBettyCrocker, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. Can we just stop all of this? It's obvious that this is just going to go on and on without a winner. :<

    Why must there be so much hate!
  2. Alison didn't ASK for help, the clan helped her on their own accord
  3. You have my respects Señorita, and you always will. But how is one simply supposed to put up and shut up when they're being hit by a whole lot of members at once, or someone who is just simply too strong to even try and hit back?

    I for example have been hit about 70x in the last few hours by a member of KotFE. I'm assuming because they were butthurt about my last couple posts. If KotFE does not care about any of this, why even bother coming onto this thread? If we're all a bunch of crybaby noobs whose words mean nothing, why attack us for those mere words? I'm not here to ask for help or cry because I'm getting hit by a much stronger KotFE member. If that were the case i would post the members name. I'm here to voice an opinion which I am most certainly entitled to, and nobody can/will stop me from doing so.

    To the KotFE member I'm referring to, you know who you are. I accused you of being offended by my posts, which you denied. If that's the case, why the rage in my news feed? All your doing is enforcing my negative opinions. I respect many members of KotFE, but you sir are not one of them and my respect for your clan is diminishing daily because of you.

    But big deal right?
  4. Youve got the wrong end of the stick of what i was trying to say.

    What i was attempting to put into the words that I felt carried my meaning the best, was that forums honestly doesnt care anymore about the fact that so many are hitting so few.

    There have been endless threads, and instead of confining yourselves (which you do for the most part) a few *cough*OP*cough* keep making threads that dont need to be seen. Use the cheesey merge thread. Post there, people who want to follow this drama can look there instead of all of this.
  5. I agree with all except one thing

    I lost all respect to kotfe when they almost made Alison quit and then pmed her the worst messages I hav ever seen

    I wont stop till they say they r sorry for what they said
  6. By all means do that. Just stick with Cheese's thread.
  7. Cheese's thread wuz locked, I'm thinking of making a new one tho
  8. Senorita,

    They cried to a mod and got my thread locked.

    And they claim they don't care.

  9. @Hells that wasn't the whole KotFE clan though, that was a single member who has done the same exact thing in the past to another woman (coincidentally :roll:) What I don't understand is why KotFE is condoning this sort of treatment by one of their members on a continued basis. If it were my clan, I don't give a **** how valuable I think the member is, their ass would be dropped and farmed so fast they wouldnt know what hit them. I'm sure the majority of you would also agree, you just won't admit it.
  10. I will GLADLY admit it

    I completely agree!
  11. And yes, it's happened it's over and all the bitching in the word isn't going to make KotFE see our side of the argument. What's done is done. But how many more times is a woman going to be subjected to the verbal/emotional abuse by that same KotFE member. I think that is what all the forum posts, and "complaining" and "crying" is trying to ensure: that something like what has repeatedly happened already, does not ever happen again.
  12. Thats all fair and square, but then why do half the posts coming out are about how this is all a 1v1 gone wrong?

    Whatever. Its no use arguing. I give up, time to go back to being an eb noob again.
  13. I'm gonna make another another kotfe hate :lol: brb
  14. Oh Cheesy admit it you went crying to get me forum banned, again, and got your thread locked in the process.
    Boy you should go into politics.
    Falls under asked and answered. It was just a question of when several mods prolly had the finger hovering of the lock button.
    Now your going to hyjack this one and tell us how great you are.
    Snore fest #3
  15. Do that and I will unload on you :)

    You have this thread now. Confine your woes here. Or have you honestly completely missed the point of the last two pages?
  16. Not true, Dionise. Are you capable of posting without lying?
  17. Because that has any relevance to me unloading on hells if he makes another thread, tiger? :|

    Or you just still hurt I blocked you?
  18. That's to bad senorita, cuz I just made it

    Go ahead, unload on me, idc