They've always been heartless

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LittleMissBettyCrocker, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. KotFE - Keep on tryn'a Frighten Everybody.
  2. Yea they do cheese. But they need spit em out cuz some crackhead in Vegas misses his manhood
  3. First off mickey, I'm pretty sure none of the kotfe members grow eggplants, secondly i don't give two shits about whether you call out these '****' war clans, all I said is if you was around for years, you would know that kotfe were respected and were a great war clan. So please shut the **** up and make everyone happier
  4. Um.... I'll bet lefty I was warring while u were still pwar fairy. Kotfe died. Long time ago. Just recently has been resurrected. So if u dun know what ur talking about, u piss off and get out of my forums
  5. Hmm say toodles to that leftie then, as I warred quite frequently. Even with Harryj, so please get your facts right before you reply. I do not want to read your idiotic posts any longer. And I won't get out of forums. As you cannot make me
  6. Quite frequently is my point exactly u freaking nOob. Those who know me know all I've ever done was war. Never eb. Never pwar. Just hit real kingdoms. Go ahead point out the acct I have ha all items. Sorry i know secret to drops and get all my items first try bud. I know suck to be u. I've been warring from the get. And only warring.


    Ask around about me u noob. Ive been warring since day one, not just frequently u stoopid ass loser
  7. Am I meant to give a ****? You think you are all big and tough, because you have never done an eb. To get items you HAVE to eb, so that post is kinda invalid. Also you don't have to war all the time to know how to war you drip, so pointing the fact out that is all you have done doesn't actually make you super amazing. Also posting all your names doesn't help at all, all complete nothing to me as I've never heard of you. Must prove how amazing and warlike you are, when people havnt even heard of you :roll:
  8. Someone's upset
  9. ^ or shows you haven't warred much, knowing so little ;)
  10. @Lerjjx I hope that comment is not at me.
  11. Kotfe's notoriety lies only in their pursuit of picking on the relatively weak and defenseless.

    After all, its easier to make a name for yourself by going after loudmouths with no clan affiliation than it is to target an actual war clan.
  12. What's amazing is the amount of butt-hurt that can flow through some people over simply expressing their opinions. What's wrong, you have to try and silence everybody that has a different opinion than you do? Oh wait, that's right, as evidenced by Mickey you only hit people smaller than you and that you feel you can actually beat.

    What's funny is the fact that my last post did not mention any specific members names, yet it's the one member that I was referring to that's hitting me. Coincidence? I think not.

    Oh no, please don't take any more of my fake, digital, meaningless gold.
  13. NO! IT'S MY FAKE GOLD .

  14. Didn't wendyms used to be a wc osf? or am I wrong
  15. Another day , another thread , another 10 recruits ! Thanks for spreading the word of ✯☠ШøḠ/CƦ/KøTҒE/ŦṨ☠✯
  16. These threads are VERY helpful to your recruiting effort. That's why you've commanded your members to spam mods with desparate requests to have them locked.


    More lies from the kotfe front.
  17. For the love of God! Cheese make another "I need a titty" thread and stop hijacking other people's. I'm sorry if you are hurting inside, but please stop spreading you're drivel all over the place.
  18. You think you know so much when really its all made up in your head.

    Poor cheese. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I see you have recruited 5 more fans. Good job. Now you can play baseball.