They've always been heartless

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LittleMissBettyCrocker, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. I already said I requested a lock so your hope is useless. It's gonna happen.
  2. So what? Big bad heartless clan in a video game? Do you feel bad for the EB monsters too? Perhaps of you can't stomach the way this game is played you should look at less aggressive games.

    And like you have told others if you don't like what is being said don't read. Well if you don't like how we play then stay away from us.

    Stop trying to bully us into your version of kaw. And yes that is hat you are doing. But instead of being up front like we are you take passive aggressive actions. Both have the same result.

    You and your five friends are the same as us. You just have a different method.

    Greenie - KotFE Lordess since 2010
  3. It is just a game. I don't understand why y'all are so serious
  4. @-Deadly- I agree and I'm old friends with Wendy. @Everyone Simple... if you want it to end you just do what's asked of you. If you don't then obviously you want whats coming.
  5. I agree greenie, all them people bullying the EB monsters need to be stopped, monsters have feelings to, getting hit a few hundred thousand times a day must be a form of cyber bullying I'm going to tell devs about all of u picking on the poor monsters I hope u get ban

  6. Wendy is a crier, I remember being in KotFE warring her clan(s). She was told what would happen, it wasn't a 1vclan, it was a smaller clan vs KotFE.
  7. Besides I was told Wendy looked like a eb monster so I can see how kotfe got confused , they must have been hitting waiting for the item part, I have told kotfe hitting eb monsters in bullying I hope they stop soon
  8. :lol:
  9. Although this is a game, the people playing are as real as yourself and some are more sensitive. (due to age, gender, whatever)

    Psychopathic tendencies on an mmo with such a focus on the 'social' element, therefore, are harder to digest.
    You may think it's fine, 'alls fair in love and war', but some may disagree. In the end, it is just an app, online game, in which even if you do spend the majority of the time irl on, doesn't make it real life.
    I do find it quite sad that morales don't translate through the cyberspace, but different people play differently.
  10. I'm bored of this debate.

    I suspect all of Kaw will have a view by now on whether kofte have been very naughty boys n girls n need a smack botty, or they are just playing the game as it is intended n others need to go get a cuddle from mom n carry on.

    Its a game, it's for fun and if you don't feel that way then it's probably not right for you to play it.

    New kofte stories are normally entertaining but do we really need to dredge up old ones?
  11. u nailed it, all of TS kotfe cr and WOG are bored of the same **** getting posted over and over again, we just playing on this thread for a change, i hope they get the message no one cares anymore and stop boring us with pointless threads
  12. Erulisse, at this point you're just instigating. You are new to KaW and you say that KotFE has always been heartless; lol. How do you even know that to be true? Your OP doesn't validate your claim. IDK what game you came from, PiMD or FC:paW, but this is a different community.

    IMHO: Unless you have a dog in the fight, you won't help to continue the dialogue. At the very least, you should be a silent spectator lurking the threads. People frequently ask for your main account because you sound like a scarred player trash-talking vicariously through an alt. You should cut the bravado and pompous comments. It's not helping.

    Abuse only perpetuates more abuse. At a certain point someone has to stop with the attacks. By writing this thread you've only managed to exacerbate the issue and create another thread for people to post on. I believe that is contradictory to what you're intending by making this thread. You've asked for a lock and now just step away; let the thread die.
  13. [​IMG]

    Lock, and plz stop boring everyone (yawn)
  14. Only thing amusing on the last one is Cheesy calling the mods on me again and got the standard threat from KaW about being forum banned. Or should I say MoD. I got a pat on the back from an other.
    Considering how often he hops on threads and insults ppl I guess using his ratting tactic might rid him.
  15. Everyone knows that Wendym was strip farmed.

    Your point noob?
  16. Hmmm ... Darth Vader, before spouting your crap, why don't you find out facts first. I have been warring since I was 200k stats before pwars... so eb warrior am I?... why not ask some of your own clan family... i.e. Hatak or even Ayiraa... then you can come back here and speak. Think you will find I was merc'ing frequently, but hey, as long as you looking like you are being funny, who cares about facts. More than likely, I have warred double the amount you have. In fact, why don't you just check KOTFE war history and find a war against KOS and see how many successful actions I recorded. Oh, and we lost that one. Eb warrior... hmmm.... think my prior clanmates would laugh hysterically at that... I am generally the worst for hitting eb... too busy chatting and having fun in cc... oh damn.. that's the sociable side of the game.... whoops!!! forgot it was a war game for a minute.
  17. did anyone see the rare lesser spotted hippocrocapig?
  18. Lol Wendy I simply said I heard u looked like a eb monster  didn't need ur life story, besides I been playing since early 2010, prob been in more wars than u even though u look the worse for it, u might notice I have 15 resets ( my wins loses also reset) I would have 250-300 k wins by now so go do ur homework
  19. I didn't call u a eb warrior I said ur a eb monster , much more scary 
  20. I think you'll find the social aspects of the game are purely for trash talking and links to the noobs account :lol:

    I'll let this thread die now.