After I've seen all the "testing" I think it's people minds playing tricks on them... It's still completely random... its like someone said earlier... Compare it to a lotto ticket.. The more you have the better your chances are... So in this case all this "testing" is really just buying another lotto ticket..
I wonder if anyone else realizes that if the drop algorithm is connected to a specific action and point in the EB, figuring this out is going to become exponentially more difficult the longer we wait to start collecting data. This is true because if the specific action theory is true, then as more and more people get the item, the more likely it will be an item holder who performs the action at the specified time. All we need now is someone to provide the data. I'm still ready to crunch the numbers.
That type of data collection is unfortunately a non-trivial point. What if we start with a "simple" approach. Many have suggested that the item drop is linked to activity via a lotto system. The actions and plunder are recorded in the history but the item drop is not. Let's get a couple of the clans together and record which player(s) got the item/treasure. We can then correlate activity (vis-a-vis action or plunder) to the item drop. More data of course helps the case. As a way of distributing the data collection efforts, we could have participant clans post the total plunder of the epic along with the player(s) that received the item/treasure to the clan owner's wall. Then Cheese and I can collect and analyze the data and corroborate the results. Thoughts?
I think as a hansel and I use pots helps get treasure. Seems like I get lots of tombs etc. I also got two perms. I use crystals like crazy typically all 6. The more hits it seems the better chance and I definatly think using pots helps on treasure
well i am certain about one thing. not being me dramatically increases your odds of getting the item.
I have noticed that if people leave b4 the items are rewarded, it's sometimes cancels the reward or the items where not rewarded. I also noticed that alot of the drops go to players active at the completion of CoD. But it's not 100% and it's mostly my speculation of it
Using the already stated approach could also be used to interpret and test your theory as well. On the other hand, your theory would make data collection much simpler. In fact, all one would have to do is look at a clan that's doing this B2B and simply go down the list and see who, if any, got and item. What an arduous and tedious task it would be to do so. It'd be much easier if folks who did get an item just post it here or to my wall or PM.
This is probably happening because either the person who performed the pre-determined action at the "item drop HP" of the EB either already had the item or that person left. CamelDaddy claims that he was asleep during most of the end of the EBs where he got perm items. He now has all 3. I know this is just one example, but I've heard it from many others that they have woken up to having received perm items.
Clan: Enlightened Warriors Epic: Destroyer Plunder: 54,536,633,838 Players rcv item: aqua-LT, Mackenzie0611 Players rcv treasure: (none) * aqua-LT joined late, did NOT use items, did 1.5 unloads, did NOT deliver killing blow. *Haunting was initiated before the items were dropped, so initiation of the next epic appear to not impact the item drop. Clan: Police Epic: FoD Plunder: 412,906,732,372 Players rcv item: POLICE_oO_Always_Loyal_Oo Players rcv treasure: THE_HAND_OF_GOD, III_POLICE_oO_BLytHe_Oo_III (amount unknown), Oo_Police_Shley_oO (?) Clan : MURPHS ALL THE WAY Epic: FoD Plunder: 383,760,846,563 Players rcv item: (none) Players rcv treasure: aqua-d ($15.81b)
Clan: Police Epic: CotD Plunder: 233,006,681,380 Players rcv item: FaudeCarfilhiot Players rcv treasure: HeRo_TinyFish, o-0-N_Z-lI_N-E_0_O (amt unknown)
Clan: SPL Epic: FoD Plunder: 384,065,564,264 Players rcv item: Wind-sihk Players rcv treasure: -Rose-, jordan_kck
The way drops work in some other MMORPGs is with random number generators plus player controlled enhancements. For instance the sword you'd like to receive is given a variable value of 999,000 to 1,000,000. After the battle is completed each participant automatically generates a random number from 1-1,000,000. If your random number exceeds the swords random number, you get the drop. Some actions in the EB could add bonuses to your random number, increasing your chance of getting the drop. Perhaps each successful action you complete gives you one additional number on your total and getting the kill shot gives you a bonus of 100. I don't believe the drops are completely random, although random factors are a big part of the equation. I have seen too many drops and treasure go to the person who dealt the final blow to not feel it is a consideration of some value. Then again maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about.