theb lets discuss the devs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lasmain, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. wow that was a lot of post's in 10 second's lol
  2. Quit worrying about going small & go big. Bigs always have a place in all wars. F.Y.I. the forums are for useful discussion, not crying because you're "unsatisfied" with something in the game. There's always people who are not happy about aspects of the game. That's what the feedback & support email are for. You'll get more of a response there than you will here.
  3. Lethal, you don't understand the issue if you have the idea that players are concerned about going big or small. Never the less, players do need to relax and give the devs some time. Larger roster sizes will HELP to solve the problem.
  4. For every clan that can find enough to fill a small roster for EE, there are probably 5 that struggle to get enough, and on those rare times they get enough, promptly realize they got matched against a stacked roster. War is over before it even bagan.
    Somebody please tell me how this "incentiveses" EE? And how this is "good for the game"?
  5. Now you want to take away TVP, and make rosters bigger?! Really?!
  6. "Have's"

    <ever widening gap>

    "Have not's"
  7. [move]i really don't think this is going to work[/move]
  8. @ damascus and many others saying it will be fixed as roster's get bigger.
    The gh exploit has always been there, no matter the size of the roster
    Yes, 29 will allow midbuilds to war. However ghs and shs will still be preffered. I don't feel the need to go deeper into this, it seems REALLY obvious to me that bigger roster will only help, not fix the problem. all that participated in s1 and 2 know this. It seems as people think the issue is roster stacking. It's an issue, yea, but the real issue is still the gh/sh exploit.
  9. Support 100%. Like the OP said - devs nerfed gh because they said it discouraged growth so all the gh just went sh and problem remains. Current system discourages a lot of people to war because clans just looking for either leaderboard tanks or tiny hansels. I am converting for season 3 now but having trouble finding a clan. My options seem to be to spend a few thousand quid going up or tearing down all my hard earned buildings to come down.
  10. Your opinion is that this is the biggest problem in kaw? You know like only 2% of kaw players war right? If it was YOUR business, would you rather keep 2% happy or 98%? (Numbers are a bit extreme, but you get the point lol)
  11. Of course not, but as I said earlier in the thread, there are no ebs with bugs, glitches or exploits. There's a huge exploit in the warring system as it is right now, so obviously this should be first priority because s3 is about to start.
    2% is a bit low ;) but you did mention the numbers were kinda extreme.
  12. It's unfortunately not that low an estimate. And no, that may be true but they have said already they are working on the new ebs, new eb = lots of xtals
  13. @Laisman. I never said it would fix it. Only help it. Please state my arguments correctly. I also stated the problem was around in S2 in my post but you respond to my statement as though I did not.

    Additionally, you draw a comparison to eb's and ee. You say that there are no glitches or bugs there so this should be the main focus. But maybe ee is more complicated than you believe? And how do you know how much time they are or aren't paying to this issue? They already attempted one fix and the devs said they would adjust as needed. This should inform us that they are aware working on it. If that weren't enough, the updated time line in news forum clearly tells us they are aware and working on it.

    So why not just give the devs until the start of S3 to work it out?
  14. Sorry for spelling your name wrong, Lasmain. =)
  15. Easy fix.... Skip season 3. Of you don't use a broken system it becomes obsolete and then it will be removed and revamped and reintroduced. Ie. system wars......

    Your gonna have to suffer for a while if you want real change as a community. Devs won't respond to buying xtals and spamming nobs for gold for mith. Let EE fall to a 5 clan sign up per war and I bet devs change EE with in two weeks. Keep it where it is and they have no reason to bother.

    (Yes I know your working on it dev. But sometimes you have to say things in a way people can understand since telling them out right doesn't work.)
  16. Lethal you really must not understand this game at all. It's not like you can just decide to big instead of small, which is a huge generalization of the problem. Dropping stats takes an instant, granted bfa and bfe do take time but becomming big enough to be considered a big account in wars means the top half or so of the leaderboard, and even lower than that is what is wanted.

    It takes quite a long time to both grow to a stat amount to even reach 5000 on the leaderboard, and then the allies it takes to truly have that strength required, you need both to be one of these "bigs". My stats for example, are considered mid stats and it took me well over a year to reach the level im at, along with my extensive war gear, and my bfa which is still small compared to the bigs you refer to, and im ranked 7200 on allies.

    Yet people with similar stats, bfe and bfa to mine are finding less and less place for them in wars, or even a desire for them at all. Not even touching hansels, as they are completely obsolete, I have a Hansel of similar level to this account as well, so ive experienced both.
  17. @Damascus I'm sorry if it came out as I disagree with you, the post was meant for many other people as well. We do agree on eachother that bigger rosters (as in s2) will help, not fix the problem.

    But you ask how I know devs arent working on the problem. I know ee might be a complicated system to fix and all, but I don't see anything about it on the release timeline. Yea, there's something about the small roster issue, so it's easy to stack big and smalls, but making bigger rosters for s3 shouldn't be that complicated. The complicated part is the sh exploit that they tried to fix once, and it didn't help. Now there's not a single word about it on the update timeline, and surely this will be the biggest issue for s3 if it doesn't get fixed. People (including me) will tear down their builds for good war opportunities. Which is definitely not how the devs intented this game to work ;)
  18. ^^^^Seems legit and like a valid argument.
    Kudos to that, I don't know how to argument against it :( u really got me
  19. It's simple, if enough people stopped warring they would do something. But clearly this community isn't capable of such a change.