And I saw it the first time. I need no reminder. I quite like seeing producers and actors (and actresses although apparently that's politically incorrect :|) earning money. Plus if I wanted to watch a show or movie and wanted no money to go to anyone but the website host, such as TOWIE or Made in Chelsea; I already know plenty of sites to torrent them from.
can i just take a moment and say i love syfy network They have a cosplaying show. A. Cosplaying. Show. (The first episode if you watch closely has a dave in is <33)
Dear little brother, Is it not funny when you turn off the circuit breaker in the bathroom while I'm taking a bath and then make terrifying noises while I'm flipping out. Sincerely, Kat's anxiety
Hey everyone just thought I'd let everyone know that I'm doing a story and I need 6 characters. The theme is zombie apocalypse.
I swear to god I have the best Grub Mituna voice ever eeeeeee I'm va'ing as Meenah, Mituna, and Meulin for a grubstuck collab thing and my heat is gonna explode ok
Post it here. Damn... Got perm silenced today for some random ****. Nothing malicious. Awaiting the dev's verdict. If you can vouch for my being unsilenced early in FeedBack it would be greatly appreciated. I can't communicate in PM. I could communicate through Email, but the only way to do that is to tell me in PM. Which I'm not allowed to ask for.