So you're fat? While skinny, I'm terribly out of shape. I bike a lot, love to swim, run sometimes, and athletic stuff like parkour is my ****. Climbed to the top of a gazebo today, jumped off, rolled perfectly. Felt nothing, except my knee hitting the ground. My friend elect to me, jumped off, hit the forum hard, and fell over. The gazebo was only 8 feet high, though. I can vault over a 4"8-ish fence, and I'm only 5"6.
Things I plan to do: also known as my bucket list. laughing because i said bucket Make vanilla pudding, put in mayo jar, eat in public. Go into Wallgreens and buy 100 rolls of toilet paper and explain it's taco night. Get into a crowded elevator and say "I bet you're all wondering why I gathered you here today." Drive beside joggers blasting "The Eye of the Tiger" for encouragement. More to come later.