Finishing up the first chapter of a Rose piece, mostly just touchups. It's second person and it's fanfiction, so I'm.. pretty uncomfortable posting it here, ugh.
I'll change the topic, have some fun facts about me. -I am my school's official Grammar Nazi - I have a certificate. -I am a bisexual teenage female. -I have been diagnosed with Bipolar Syndrome, Asperger's Syndrome, severe ADD, and manic depression. -I have helped a cow give birth. -I have ridden a horse, and accidentally made it canter, and amazingly didn't fall off. -I have a mild form of OCD. -I have severe anxiety - yet continue to read CreepyPastas. -I am mentally older than my dad. -I am the tallest girl in my grade, being almost five feet and eight inches - and still haven't hit my growth spurt. -I am well on my way to speaking fluent conversational sign language. -I typically get around two or less hours of sleep per day, sometimes none - yet manage to function normally. -I am known among my friends for coming up with the most obscene, insulting comments at perfect times, and tend to go off on lengthy rants when I get pissed off. -I pushed my little brother down the stairs and laughed when I was six. -I have a scar over my nose where a dog bit off most of the tip of my nose when I was three, the doctors managed to graft skin and stuff over a bit of flexible plastic there to make me a new nose-tip. -I am very creative with my words, especially swears, often merging two curses and typically a pastry or other food item to insult someone. -I taught myself how to do a cartwheel, backbend, frontflip, and handstand. -I highly dislike the movie Con Air. -I want to be a Mythbuster when I grow up. -My favorite class in school is Computers - I'm so fast with the technology 75% of my time is just screwing around with Photoshop. -I have failed a total of one class in my lifetime - third-grade PE. -I'm currently taking college-level creative writing courses online, and excelling. -People pay me money to mash to crappy songs together. -I am a certified green-belt in Karate, and have a certificate that says I'm an orange-belt rank in both Sword, Bo, and Tombo. -I'm commonly mistaken for a boy, and usually end up hanging out more with guys than girls, and having more male friends than female friends. -I'm a lucid dreamer and I also get premonitions. -I type an average of 86 WPM. Plenty more, whee. Not gonna make a wall of text.
Moves Like Jagger is back!^^^ Also, Dave, I have trouble finding out which fun facts are correct, though I presume all or most aren't. For one, I don't believe you're bisexual.
Well I sadstuck'd Smighter with my favorite DaveKat piece I wrote for some tumblr anon a while back. owo
Suddenly muffin facts. - I'm one of the highest ranking students in my grade (PSAT scores, not that GPA stuff) - I've got a majestic blonde patch in my hair - I've NOT been diagnosed with any sort of illness or crippling disability - My real name is not Cheesemuffin - I once played Chess using a store's giant chess set on display, where people watched through the window as me and my best friend played - I am a heterosexual male (in case nobody knew) - I am not physically social; most of my friendly interaction is through the Internet. - I do better in the Maths and Sciences than in History and English (reading bores me) - I am unemployed and living with my parents. - My only sport is swimming, which I dislike severely because the teammates are morons. - I didn't think this list through entirely. - I was an engineering genius three years ago, and now I can't figure out how my 13 year old self made a cocking mechanism for a gun made out of Lego NXT blocks. - My dad looks like Nigel Thornberry - My mom does not look like Nigel Thornberry
Suddenly a wild Candi appeared -I'm unsurprisingly inept at, like, everything? -People don't like me. It's a thing -I function at the lowest possible levels 97.4% of the time because I'm lazy and save it for a frenzied burst of typing at 3 AM -My favorite classes are the ones where people leave me alone because I'm a prickly ass. -Raising flowers is harder than it should be and you can't convince me that it's just my refusal to keep up with them. -The only pet I have yet to kill is a pretty much self sufficient hamster -I'm terrible at baking cookies. -I'm like 90% sure I'm a flaming homosexual. I also really don't give a ****, so there's that. -My ability to make pies is... surprising, given my track record with every other recipe ever. -Vegetables are devilspawn. -I took the hardest standardized tests and passed all of them flawlessly last year, however, I've pretty much broken testing and don't really care for it as a measure of my abilities because I test perfectly basically no matter what -Making controversial arguments is possibly the only exciting thing I do all day. -My planned Pokémon team is a UU/BL/RU walling team with a surprising amount of firepower, if that says anything about me. -My godtier is the Seer of Void, if that means anything to any of you. -I haven't been diagnosed with any mental illness, although I occasionally depend on meds for my asthma. -This list is probably not the best thing to go off of because I change my mind. A lot. -The only constant is that I am pretty much a jerk. -I don't see why you would ever want to know any of this.