The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I got on a bus.
    I dreamed about blowing up the bus.
    I sleeptalked about it.
    I got thrown out of the bus.
    I became homeless.
    It started to rain.
  2. Frankly, it reminded me of Friday by Rebecca Black.
  3. Hisses loudly

    I swear to god if people don't stop talking to me when I have clearly made a GO THE **** AWAY gesture by reading I don't know what to do anymore
  4. hello if one more person calls me kitten i will piss all over your body then rip your face of and feed it to obamas children goodbye
  5. Plot twist: You ARE Obama.
  6. Plot Twist: Obama is a lesbian.
  7. Whoops. I think I just *technically* called Dave a lesbian. Sorry, Kitten.
  8. Well that was amusing
  9. Turns out I'm near sighted. :c
  10. I always mix that up...
    Does that mean you can only see clearly up close, or only clearly farther away?
  11. Up close. (I think? Yeah. That.)

    I'm pretty nearsighted but I don't need glasses- my reading just isn't as sharp.
  12. So I saw The Conjuring earlier today. The scariest part was when I dropped my phone on the ground.
  13. I got my prescription on Monday.
  14. hi my name is kat not kitten
  15. What's with the Kat/Kitten?
    I see you're in a WC clan. Is that where your name is "Kat"?
  16. Don't bring up the Kat thing -_- it started a huge blow out within the clan. And it's also a sad story
  17. Kat was her original name I think.