The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Texas is the size of like, all of Europe.
  2. East Anglia!


    Except whilst I understand states, nobody knows English counties, even I know hardly any. :3
  3. I am a Wisconsinite. Haven't met many KAWers from the Midwest.
  4. Phoenix. Middlesex is like, a town away from me. What ******* state.
  5. Is that Innuendo for butt sex.
  6. No, it means a hermaphrpdite.
  7. getting off topic here.. lol
  8. Off what topic? The Cafe HAS no topic.
  9. And I'm just sitting here.
  10. Hey Cheese.
    Long day?

    screams and rolls away
  12. assuming it's dave plus babe
  13. It was a typo. More info later.
  14. Smighter, you said it twice without correcting yourself. Excuses excuses