The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.


  2. Groooooooooan

    20 EV's down, 132 to go

    Stupid defense stats on this stupid Lanturn that I love
  3. Maybewhiningaboutitwillmakeitgofaster.png
  4. I would want to meet you guys, but I don't think I'd ever go to a Con. My parents don't really know how much of a nerd I am.
  5. I think my parents still think I'm super popular and social
  6. Bless their poor misguided souls
  7. Hahaha, I'm semi popular. Not a loner but not a stoner. Wow. I make rhymes all the times.
  8. We can meet in a special place. ;DDDD
  9. Bander no

    on another note it took me 34 minutes for 32 EV's I am so screwed
  10. I was talking about a nice little café down the road... :c
  11. I live near Middletown, CT. :\ nobody lives here
  12. Search up a TV Show called The Guild.
    It explains our dilemma perfectly. :lol:
    And it's pretty famous.
  13. I live in Cali.... You peeps are all East Coast folk.

    I love going to Cons, so my parents know I'm a nerd... Thankfully
  14. Everyone lives like one state away from me
  15. I live close-ish to this place called "Middlesex"...
  16. I live closer to DC than Baltimore. Whelp.
  17. That's what you get for living in a big country.
  18. I live in Cali as well, NorCal.

    I'm not a surfer, no.