The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. JadeLeaf's.

    Man, I'm super rusty with this rap stuff. Ngh.
  2. What section where I can't find it. I'm pretty skilled at insulting people extremely creatively.
  3. Never mind I found it and DAMN, those be some Strider, worthy sick fires, bro.
  4. I had some fun writing those hella sick burns.
  5. You don't ever underestimate my prowess at insulting people. I swear I'm a mini-Karkat over here. For example what I said to my friend - nicknamed "Kobe" for personal reasons between friends - when he belched.

    "Kobe, was your lusus raised by a cherub? It would seem either they failed to teach you proper manners or your shrunken, wispy flecks of a thinkpan was wholly unable to accept and process ANY sort of new information, and proceeded to melt into a pile of ridiculous grey mush, that or it perforated itself with its own mental culling-fork. Do you not have any sort of sense as to when it's appropriate or not to let such an absolutely disgusting noise out of your protein-chute? Kobe, honest to Gog, if you ever decide to let loose such a horrific belch I will kick you so hard in your bulge you won't be able to walk straight for WEEKS."

    After which someone walked up to me and papped my head and said, "Oi Kankri, calm the **** down." And then walked away. He was staring dumbly at me.
  6. Keep in mind I wasn't even the tiniest bit ticked off at him, just a bit irritated because he was mocking my accent all day.
  7. I'm sorry but did somebody call Choco a saint?

    She's bloody Lucifer in disguise.
  8. She's hardly even in disguise.
    She trapped my soul in crappy couple of megapixels camera.
    You could at least have the decency to trap it in a DLSR or something.
  9. He doesn't even have a soul anymore. Kind of amusing. I fed it to the geese.
  10. Geese are tasty… :3

    Doesn't change the point though, you are rotten to the core.
  11. I sold my soul to Hussie a long time ago :L
  12. I bet that poor butterfly was turned into a friggin' demon monster thing that pukes decapitated baby heads.
  13. What? No. I let it go. I'm pretty sure it died. Its wing was already injured.
  14. So you resurrected it, I presume…?
  15. No?


    Butterflies are very friendly to me in general?
  16. You do realise butterflies only live for two weeks?