The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I may become a complete bottom basher just so I can annoy you. :3
  2. Must... See... Face.
  3. "Bottom basher"?
  4. While showering last morning (it's 2:47 am, I'm talking about 10 am yesterday), I had a brainstorm for a new story, not including a possible continuation of A Glimpse of the Sky. Hopefully it won't be a bust, though if you like violence, especially games like Dead Space, you may like this. :)
    Later folks.
  5. Allioss alli, oss allio.
    ("Hey guys. Wassup? Oh yeah, Dave, I started reading Homestuck. I just finished Act 2. Dave is a boss.")
  6. It only gets better and better, Alli. Just wait until act 5.
  7. I completely forgot about homestuck. xD
  8. Homestuck is pretty cool.

    Abyssus and Delphin are semi-back, if anyone else knows them.
  9. Phoenix, may I question your disliking of homosexuals?
    Because if it's irrational, then I have lost a large amount of respect for you.
  10. Homosexuals ate his family.
  11. Totally Bander.
    Well, Para, explain what you mean by "irrational". What does that include?
    If you want a simple "baby" answer, it would be that the thought of one man having sex with another man is disgusting to me and downright creepy. If you want an answer other than that I'd be happy to give it to you.
    The problem is is that most guys have a "thing" for lesbians, so even if you don't really like homosexuals, lesbians appeal to many of us.

    Though you misunderstand me.
    I believe that if a man is in love with another man he should be allowed to live with him.
    I would automatically be creeped out, but I wouldn't start attacking him (words or physical, whatever) in public or private. I would just give him his space.
    Though, I do not believe that gay people should be attacking the Christian church for the ability to be married religiously.
  12. I agree in some sense with Phoenix.

    I think gay marriage should be legalized, but if a religion doesn't want them to be sealed' or whatever, they shouldn't force them.

    What I mean is that gays/homosexuals/lesbians should be able to marry, but it should be against the law to force someone to marry the two of them.

    I used to be totally against it like my religion believes we should be, but then I kinda changed my mind and yeah. Why am I still talking.
  13. The problem is that some homosexuals, despite homosexuality being "against" their religion, are deeply religious. So they want to have a traditional religious union.
    Others have parents who are extremely religious, and want a religious marriage.

    Either way, I'm not sure that I agree that a religious facility should not be forced to marry a couple if they do not accept it. A priest is there to unite two people, and if it were a heterosexual couple, their opinions about the marriage would be insignificant. The same should apply to any other couple.
  14. I'm not trying to make this about gay rights, I'm just saying that if the religion firmly believes (or whatever) against gay marriage, then the priest believes so. But, even though it is the priest's job to marry a couple, he is strictly told not to marry a homosexual one.

    What kind of country would we be if we forced religions to believe in gay marriage, or anything for that matter? The freedom of religion would not exist, and thus one of the building blocks of America would be gone. (I hope this made sense cause I'm kinda tired and Sometimes I say strange things when tired)
  15. I just don't think being a dick to people just b/c sexuality is cool?

    I mean whatever you have your belief coolio but don't try to force it on others because that makes you a Massive Jerkwad. If you respect other people's space and identity I have no problem with whatever the **** you wanna do

    *backflips away*
    I started a religious debate and a debate about homosexuals.

    *gets on knees and places arms in dramatic pose*
    *has hand sliced off*
  17. And if you must know, I consider irrational something silly like "It's unnatural.", or "God doesn't want it.", "It sets a bad example.", "I don't want children exposed to it.".

    My opinion is, I'm fine with it.
    I'm personally heterosexual, however I see no reason to dislike them. A man loves another man or a woman loves another, and that's a beautiful thing they should keep, and should display it marriage.
    So, I am proud to live in a country that homosexual marriage is legalised.

    Although on the religious debate, I believe that a priest is entitled to their own choice, though quite why a strand of Christianity that doesn't support the Bible which so strictly, given plenty of God's instated rules are broken.
  18. The religion doesn't allow gay marriage. Therefore, you can't get religiously married by the church.
    Therefore, you shouldn't force the religion to do something that is against their religion to get a religious marriage that is against the religion. It's an oxymoron.