The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  2. Ack, I applied for a few modeling jobs and had to send in a few photoshoots. I think I did pretty well but augh anxiety
  3. You did fine, D-Strides.
  4. What kind of clothes will you be modeling? :3
  5. I applied for all types but swimwear |D If I get accepted I can make up to $200 a month.
  6. And everybody loves wearing swimwear!
  7. Except those ones with the back going up your butt... :/ I can't see that being very comfortable
  8. I hate bathing suits oops
  9. You a skinny dipper? :3 Same here if its warm enough
  10. Naw, I swim in a rash guard for girls and a guy's swim trunks because wow lazy
  11. As long as you can swim in them.
  12. I can swim perfectly fine thank you.
  13. And now I see the downsides on Hong Kong…

    1. Can't log on to anything unless it's on my iPod because of unknown IPs, and even then I'm locked out of my Fac-e-book.
    2. Can't buy anything on Steam due to the fact that my Steam wallet money I stocked up on is in GBP and Steam sets Hong Kong to USD.
    And Steam support refuse to answer me.
    3. The Internet was already slow as hell and now there are 3 more people trying to use it, and no games.
    I've already read one of the three books I thought would suffice.
    4. I have to go the bloody beach tomorrow.
    And I hate beaches.
  14. Why are you in Hong Kong...?
  15. Visiting grandparents.
  16. Is there still some service in this cafe? Just asking. No offense meant ;)
  17. I don't know... Where's Irin? She came back for a whole and just... Left again?
  18. asdfghjk I got a call from the agency, three photoshoots this week! They want me as a full-time model and maybe an actress!!