The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. D_bo d you wake up in the morning looking for ways to make people hate you?
  2. yes. now dont argue with him any more before he continues. best advice i can give for dealing with haters/DBOs.
  3. Iger. Fan Fiction has been dealing with D_bo for a long time. :)
  4. You've just been egging him on.... o_O How's that dealing with him?
  5. ^
  6. Filter experiment...


  7. why is it that anyone who disagrees with a group of people, they simple try to class them as a hater. pretty stupid reason really. I am sorry the lot of you can not write and have no talent. taking that anger out on me helps you none.

    @phoenix. just because you've been a regular buttplug around here doesn't make you informed about anything. you know nothing. just another classic emo.

    and so sorry if I've offended your religious views. it's not my fault you've been mind ****** and lied to all your life. it's very sad seeing the blind who believe in such nonsense
  8. I some what love d_bo....

    Just putting that out there.

    And that Orson Scott Card series, Phoenix. Ohrmergersh. Yes. Just yes.

    And Amish is freaking tied up in a box restricting. But then again, I know next to nothing about just about all religions.
  9. the only main thing worth knowing is that they are based on superstitious nonsense. born and forged from an era of mankinds existence when we didn't understand our surroundings and came up with the idea of super natural beings and objects to help out primitive minds cope.

    and no, books are not proof. sorry.
  10. Religion helps some people cope. Who am I to **** them up?

  11. I don't actively run around trying to single out religious folk in attempts to "convert" them to atheism or anything. of course it helps some people cope. I believe that's the only reason mainstream religion still exists today. because people find comfort in placing the burden of life's choices on a 'higher power' basically to set yourself into a position of needing to make the least amount of choices as possible.

    by following a pre existing set of rules/guidelines and the stuff that isn't specifically covered, they push it off onto their higher power.

    I personally want choices and options. traditional religion though is quite silly when any rational minded person sits down and applies some logic to the issue. there's no proof, other than a book written thousands of years ago written by man. translated and interpreted many, many times.

    while religion can bring meaning and direction to some. it also is motivation for war. the horrible things and events that have taken place in the name of religion is too long of a list to compile. religion is just gross.
  12. I agree that religion creates needless wars. But the religions I know of tell followers not to kill people. So followers of certain religions (excluding extremists) are told not to kill people. Religion helps keep order.
  13. people are perfectly capable of leading moral lives without religion.
  14. I find my problem with religion starts when people let it dictate key parts of them, like their moral compass or political stances on certain issues.

    Even worse is when a religious person has literally no other dimension to them. It's kind of awful that a certain set of rules can consume a person.
  15. People say that I'm close-minded or a religious fanatic if I say I'm against gay rights.
    It's not my "bible" that dictates that thought. I just find it unwholesome. When I think of two men living together I am disgusted. I can't change that thought, but only hide it.
  16. I have been here since 2009ish... Still no one knows my name?
  17. I don't recognize. Sorry.
  18. Have you written much?
  19. Nothing wrong with a bit of bum fun. ;D
  20. I'm pretty sure of your identity, Burning. Not to say I know you, but I certainly know of you.