And you don't know **** about Judiasm. It's hard, basically. Just like you don't know ****, we can't DO ****. (Basically it's VERY restricting.) But, if you believe in it, heaven is mighty fine.
There are different views about the heaven. But the main part is the resurrection... Before that comes heaven... Whatever. It's complicated.
Oh of course, the second temple destroyed by the Romans. And you're right. I don't know a lot about Judaism, but it isn't the only restrictive religion.
We interrupt your religious discussion for this description of a certain Strider's day. Me: (^ω^)*listening to Pandora* (^ν^) *Imagine Dragons song* (^_^ *Seether song* (~_~ *Lindsey Stirling song* (ーー;)*Advertisement* (−_−;)*Owl City song* (´・_・`) *Mad World* ( ; _ ; ) *Hello* t(・ω・)ノㅗㅡㅗ ***** pandora*
I don't know about more restrictive, but just as restrictive I suppose. Islam, Amish Menonites.. They're both quite restrictive in their own ways. Christianity in general was also strict ages ago.
I did some research on Hinduism in world history, and it seemed fairly strict. But religion is a touchy subject. Lets see anyone writing?
Hinduism has a lot of traditions, but it's not that strict compared to others like Judaism and Islam.