The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Lol... 8 hours left.
    I can eat tonight. 3/5 of the fasts start in the morning and end in the night. The 2 most serious start in the night an end the next night.
    My fast is from 8:27 PM to something like 9:31 PM.
  2. Oss allio.
    ("That seems oddly specific, Phoenix o_o")
  3. It is. Religious stuff. It comes with specifications. Every week, from a specific time on Friday night (it changed every week), till a specific time on Saturday night (around 25 hours later, it changes every week too, with the time of the year), I can't turn on lights, use anything electric, write, etc.
    With great responsibility comes even greater restrictions. With great power comes great... Scratch that.
  4. Now I can't eat because of sickness. xD
  5. Fast ended two hour ago.
    After the fast you can eat an elephant. It's awesome.
  6. Sorry... There are 6 fasts in the entire year, not 5.
    Now then. Why is TWC suddenly dead?
  7. It has really fast moments and uber slow ones.
  8. As in the thread itself is sentient.
  9. It wants blood.
  10. This needs a bump.
  11. No... It doesn't.
    Please don't be stupid. This thread is almost four years old, and it has nearly 20,000 posts. Plus, someone just posted a few minutes before you.
    It needs a bump? **** no. Unless you mean to AT. But... This doesn't go to AT. So, please leave if you're going to act that way. Thank you! 
  12. Oss allio allioss!
    ("TWC hungers...for proper grammar usage!")
  13. Allioss alli.
    ("Oh yay, a doctor appointment. Time for a paper gown. •_•")
  14. You can draw on yourself! :DDD
  15. We need a solid topic in TWC... Let's call D_bo!
  16. Pardon my ignorance, but which religion is that?
  17. Jewish.
    Look what I got from the library!
    Supposedly this is OSC's new series. Hell yes.
  18. ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆