The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. What's it about?
  2. A badass genius kid.
  3. Orson Scott Card. Ever heard of him and/or Ender's Game?
  4. What's it actually about?
  5. It's on my list ok
  6. Phoenix licks butt
  7. If you're going to play that way...
    I get more ass than a toilet seat.
  8. And two minutes ago my 25 hour fast started. No food... No water.
  9. Why are you fasting?
  10. No water? Wow. That's hardcore.
  11. I'm Jewish. Today our Holy Temple was destroyed. :/
    This fast I believe is second the longest.
  12. Well good luck, I think?
  13. I have to fast 5 times a year at certain times.
  14. No food or water by any of them. Real fasting. :/
  15. I fast every first Sunday of them month, but just food. And I can eat dinner. But that's pretty intense. No food or water for 25 hours.

  16. I like food too much.
  17. Allioss alli.
    ("I'd gnaw my arm off.")
  18. Allioss oss.
    ("The left one.")