The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. 19000?
    I don't understand, but I will still write...

  2. liking depressing quotes? yup, you're definitely an emo
  3. I like sad songs too ok

    I make art for sad songs ok

    I still can't draw
  4. so, you're just a sad person? sounds like you need to visit an anti emo camp
  5. Is there such thing? It sounds fun. Ish?
  6. Basically, D_Bo, it's good to have you back.
    Why'd you disappear from forums in the first place, then come bak right when we call for you?

    Plus, I'm now one place ahead of you on the forum posting Leaderboard.
  7. Wow I really like books ok
  8. Especially scifi books
  9. You like Ender's Game?
  10. Sci-Fi is awesome.
  11. Sci-fi and fantasy :3
  12. Never read Ender's Game.
  13. **** you Dave. You must.