The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. What did I even do last night

    I am going to cut a ***** I swear
  2. Don't question what you did last night if you were at a party.
    Nevermind... You're not a guy.

    TGIF much?
  3. Hah me parties right.
  4. What happened this time Candi? Or do I want to know?
  5. Ugh this is one of the most viewed threads on Kaw and there are a few typos in the original post.
  6. I assume many llamas were involved
  7. Bander loves llamas.
  8. Lust and love are two very different things
    (Backs away slowly)
  10. I'm dying ok

    Someone asked me why I was a cross dresser.

    I was wearing a dress, makeup, and heels.
  11. Respect Point totals today:

    Moose: -75 Total: -1975
    Lil_Tiger: +500 Total: 1000500
    Bandersnatch: ? Total: ???
  12. I'd totally cross dress if I had the body for it
  13. Bonquiqui quiquiqui!
    ("Guess who's alt this is >w<")
  14. Uhm uhm uhm....

    Um. Phoenix's?
  15. iMasters. Totally.
  16. Hello Allioss' alt.
  17. Alli!
    ("Yes :3")
  18. No... It's a conspiracy. It's Dave's alt. must be...
    So, Bander, you "lust" llamas?
    Also, I think Smighty doesn't like Moose.
  19. I have no points? D: