The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. ._. Alli

    (Message Redacted)
  2. Allioss
    ("Oh god I killed the Cafè ;_;")
  3. You monster! :O
  4. You pocket monster!!
  5. I need help! I have this mystery rash...
    Where I work, new reports are coming in of people having this weird rash. Except, no-one has it as bad as I.
    They have small amounts, though I have a very large and visible amount. For me, this appeared two nights ago, but for the most part for others, it appeared last night.
    I have it, on my right and left arm's biceps (ESPECIALLY my right arm, that's where the greatest concentration is), stretching up to the shoulder, and straying down the arm. Then, it also stretches down my back with a larger concentration in the small of my back.
    It kind of looks like acne, except in the wrong place. Here is what it looks like on my right arm, in the greatest concentration:

    One of the people went to the doctor, and he said that it was because of water on the clothes that irritated the skin. That is plausible, since we had a very rainy week, and I had been out in the rain a lot, and swam a lot, too.
    It's also possible that the chlorine in the pool had too high of a concentration, and ate away at some parts of the skin, forming a rash.
    What I think is the most possible is a heat rash, because I'm out in the sun practically all the time without sunscreen, which I need to get. Problem is, it doesn't really look like the normal heat rashes, I think, because they look like trapped beads of sweat.
    It's also possible that this is an allergic reaction, but I don't really know.
    Another major problem is that I don't know if the other kids have the same exact thing as I do...
    It doesn't hurt, but if you start to pick at them, certain ones do.

    If you have ever seen this rash before, PLEASE HELP.
    I'm going to the doctor, hopefully tomorrow, though.
  6. Dammit... Now there's some on my legs, too! **** this.

    By the way, it's not bed bugs, because it's in the wrong places, looks different than their bites, and it wouldn't have suddenly swarmed my body like so.
    Not is it chicken pox, because I'm immune to that. I don't have the vaccination; I got the real deal when I was 6 or so...
  7. It's the plague
  8. Alli allioss!
    ("Happy Birthday, America! :D

    Also, that sucks bro. :( ")
  9. Does anyone have any idea what it is? I'm usually not frightened by things, but this... Scares me.
  10. Allioss alli
    ("You could always get an exorcism.")
  11. We must eliminate this infection.
  12. You know what? I think I'll just stick to skin creams.
  13. It looks like you may be allergic to chlorine, bud.
  14. Are you right or left handed.
  15. He uses his feet
  16. Allioss oss allio.
    ("I like the way you think, Bandersnatch.")
  17. I think with rainbows
  18. I'm right handed.
    The doctor said that it was fine, probably just some trapped sweat, and it will/should fade. I just need to use antibacterial soap on it, which I use either way.
    Aesthetically it's not too good, though. :/
  19. You look disgusting :3
  20. You think I don't know that? This rash creeps myself out.