The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. (That shut up was meant as a friendly shut up, not a mean one)
  2. It's fine.
    My dad went to the Boy Scouts...
    Back when it actually meant something and didn't become liberal (meaning that they let anyone join, not just people who earned it).

    He used to make morse code radios and radio transmitters from scrap metal. :/
    And he did a lot more stuff... Such as a private aircraft pilot...
  3. How old are Boy Scouts? o_O
  4. Kind of old. But as of now it's diluted, and no offense, people don't really care that much about the Boy Scouts. Not anymore.
  5. I didn't even know what they were :p
  6. Yeah. I agree, Phoenix. They let everyone in. But I'm almost an Eagle and that's my goal, after that I will never do anything that has to do with Boy Scouts ever.

    And your dad sounds frikkin cool.

    Most people at Scout Camp.... Weren't very..... What's the word? Normal. Not normal.
  7. As in anti-social or just... Off?

    Though believe me, my dad is fine. ;)
  8. So, back then, the goals were also much harder. You didn't go in for the club and the social part, you went in to learn skills, and if you weren't good enough, they didn't let you in. It's too bad... Boy Scouts would be the type of thing I would want to do, but it's not worth it anymore.
  9. The anti-social ones seemed normal compared to the others.

    And it does seem too easy. I've learned a few things from Scouts, but overall it's been somewhat stupid.
  10. Well, good luck.
    I have my dads 40-ish-year-old Boy Scout (B.S ;) ) suit somewhere around here... I'll have to find it for you later today.
  11. I think that counts A's hitting on your dad. o_O
  12. And I'm having writers block. ._.

    My story will never finish.
  13. Allioss allio, oss alli!
    ("Believe in yourself, Master Bremen! You can do it! Or just write some filler :3")
  14. One day, I dropped my phone.
    Then I picked it up.
  15. Bravo!!
  16. Thank you thank you
    People have always told me I'm a good story teller
  17. Well one day I forgot about my phone... It died :(
  18. Horrible ending. Predictable plot twist.
  19. What flavour was the phone?
  20. I'm guessing.....

    Apple. Green Apple.