Really? That guy infected this thread too?!? I really hope they called the FBI on him. I wasn't there to see the pics but from what jam explained to me in PM it sounds emotionally and mentally scarring.
Basically, this player named evil made a goodbye thread with two pictures, which were quite funny. Though, after those two pictures, he said, "now to make it permanent..." (Or something along those lines) and he posted a picture of some random woman spraying diarrhea from her ******, or something that looked like poop, and into her mouth. Then he started posting that picture on every thread, including this one. Then there was another player, who came before him, named CoS-Dvoraki. He was all mad that my previous clan Conclave of Shadows (Owned by Dillybar... Happy days) "cheated" against his clan a long time ago. So he got himself Permasilenced, and I think banned, because of what he posted last night. I guess that was his form of revenge was. He put the "CoS" before his name to ridicule Conclave of Shadows. So, I saw on WC how he got perma-silenced. Then, on forums, he posted a random picture of two partly dressed (not wearing a skirt/pants, but still underwear) blondes standing, and one of them had a diaper on, and there was poop on the floor, an you could see that the diaper was all brown from the poop. I don't know where the hell he got that picture. Then, he posted two more pictures: One was a close-up on the side of a guys face, except that he was missing almost all of his skin, so you could see the raw and infected (I guess) skin underneath, and I believe a bone, too. His next picture was of a dressed woman lying down, with a cross going into her mouth, and blood was streaming out of her mouth, and her neck and bosom were covered in blood, too. This picture was the one that he posted all over the forums, though he didn't post as much as Evil did. Hopefully they'll both be banned.
The woman spraying orange diarrhea from her genitals is known as tubgirl. Other than that, am I supposed to be disgusted?