Allioss alli, oss al allioss alli, allio! Allioss oss, alli ss al :3 ("Hey FlamingTomato, I would appreciate it very much if you were to read my story 'It's A Long Story: Revamped' [mouthful, I know]! I believe it's on page two. Thank you very much :3")
Alli I read your story so far and wrote a small review. Follow me back and I will give you a list of all my thoughts: critiques so far.
Nnng. I spent a night in a beach near my home, and I had to sleep in a cabin with my brother and two of my friends, who kept me up until 2am at which point they snuck out. We were prank calling people on my phone, then my phone got shut down by the police for "harassment of citizens" and I can't use it for another week.
Apparently so. Oh look, another 'make a story' forum GAME was sent to FF to spam it up, clog it with unneeded garbage, and then the thread dies.
Sorry took me so long to get back, I was -IRONDAGGER- (see the similarity ) but I lost my old iPod and I can't get on to kaw from my computer for some odd reason. I remember (I think) cheesemuffin featherhunter? Those are the main ones
Allioss alli allioss. ("Cheese or Zaln would be fantastic, as would Irin. I don't think Feather would be the best choice though...")
Well, sadly, they're all gone. In my opinion, I think just about all of us have a good shot. It's just the fact that you have to be over 18 to be a mod that shoots alot of us down.
All the people who were prominent in forums and FF are now gone (Bastion (how did you guys forget him) iZaln, GlooMi, and all the rest) we aren't going to get a FF mod, the best we can do is get one of the current forum mods to check FF more frequently. I think everyone who uses FF agrees that other people misuse it but we have to be smart about how we approach the problem.