I'm currently in the process of writing my first book/complete story, I have all the pieces but am not sure how to put together and structure it, any tips?
Alli allioss oss, allioss alli allioss oss alli. Oss alli allioss, lio oss alli. ("@BWS: okay, this might seem kinda weird, but I like to listen to music and find songs that relate to my characters. It helps me get ideas and better understand their feelings/motivations/personalities. I also like to doodle my characters with different expressions, but that's just because I don't like doing schoolwork :3")
I agree, I find that my characters relate to many songs I commonly listen to. I also manage to gather ideas for my novels from other songs as well.
Alllliiiooosss, ossssallliiii... ("Why can't we be friends, why can't weee beee friiieeendsss...")
I haven't been on FF in a while and just finished reading/critiquing Killer Inside. One of the best stories I've read on here. I'd be willing to read/critique other stories too and give suggestions, just hit me up.
SMIGHTY!!!!!!!!!!❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗ I missed your B-Day by... 35 minutes!!!!! Happy belated B-Day.