The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Zartag and the kaw spacemen of the year 3796. Lol

    Chapter 1:Zartag
    This is not typed up in notes I am going to completely make up a story right here, right now.
    Zartag is a part of the clan {•#,,?__|. it is the largest clan in kaw, with 1577437.23 members. He is on a mission to destroy vartag, who is part of the clan |__?,,#•}, the second largest, clan in kaw, with 1577437.22 members. Vartag is spamming world chat to get the .02 members. Zartag does not want that to happen.
  2. Chapter 2:
    Zartag and vartag are in hot pursuit. They are blasting through space at breakneck speeds, surrounded by planets, stars, and other space crap. :) suddenly a huge rock comes out of nowhere and kills everyone.
    The end.
  3. I write in a frenzy, 10,20 Pgs at once and idk it feels like crap to me so I delete xD is this normal? D:
  4. Make sure you check out my new piece, the war of Ethinox.
  5. Prologue

    One day. That's all it would have taken. If everyone had known what would happen even a day in advance, everything would be different. So many would have lived. But that didn't happen, and the  
  6. *the chaos began.
  7. That's the intro to my story. What do you guys think? I'll post the simple mind map later
  8. Hey all, just wanted to say I'm writing a new story. Bravo Echo Lima, just take a quick look and post if it interests you.
  9. Eeeeek! I tried to write a short story from a boys point of view, and need I say: FAILURE!
  10. Bump.

    How goes the writing, guys?
  11. I haven't had much time to write unfortunately...

    However I Hav posts on my wall threatening to stripfarm me, and people have already hit me like 10 times for hitting some guys alt 6 times...
  12. Hey guys, can anyone please read my story - Fading Fast? I feel like it's missing something. Can you guys please do me this favor? Kthxbye
  13. [​IMG]

    I'm looking for support for this. If I get enough support I'll make a signup thread. If people sign up then it'll be a go
  14. I like to write stories!!! It's really fun! It's really creative!
  15. Interesting concept hidden... I must say that I support, and would love to compete and or judge...
  16. Cool im looking for at least 10 supporters and then I'll make the sign up thread
  17. I'll support and maybe try to participate or help.
  18. I totally support! Sounds like tons of fun!;)
  19. Six supporters so far
  20. Can I support again? Cause' I super support and am excited