The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]
  2. Alliossalli, Allioss. Lio, ss alli alliossss. Alli.
    ("I was simply unsure of which Pokemon Master Bremen was referring to. After all, you wouldn't consider me a conventional Pokemon.")
  3. Alliios, use FANGIRL!
  4. Bon Qui Qui used FANGIRL!
    (What happens: I run up to Charizard and ask him who his favorite host is. He answers Mori when the clear answer is the Hitachiin twins. I proceed to beat him over the head with Elf Man on DVD.)

    ...It's super effective!
  5. Wait wut.

    Hitachiin twins are amazing. <3

    I can tell them apart :3
  6. Alliossalli ossossalli.
    ("I can tell them apart from their voices :D")
  7. I can tell them apart from where they stand in relation to eachother, how they act, and what they look like.

    They part their hair differently, Karou (can't spell it :I) is calmer and always on their left.
  8. My new story is up! It is called Wiped and I hope you all read/like it!
  9. I'm actually mildly disgruntled that a Hungarian act has won Britain's Got Talent.
  10. Alliossalli, Lioss Al Oss.
    ("Hikaru is the jerk, and Kaoru is nice. Did you know that the Japanese voice actors of Hikaru and Haruhi are married?")
  11. Yeah, and you know the guys who voices the Undertaker in Kuroshitsuji is fat and voices a bunch of other people?
  12. Ugh, stupid filters cutting out the Japanse.

    In English it's Black Butler
  13. Alliossalliliossossalli?
    ("I didn't know he voiced other people! Anyone I might know? Oh yeah, and I was playing Dragon's Dogma, and noticed that Ser Saurius totally sounds like Vic :3 I'd drink anything from his mouth...")
  14. He voiced someone in Mushi-shi, and also someone in FMA brotherhood.
  15. Please no more Oran High School.

    Please. D:
  16. Shh Breadman go away.
  17. Bleh. I'm starting to get back to working on my book.

    My stupid book that no one cares about and Idontevenknowwhyiwriteit book.
  18. It's ok Smighter, I'll read it. I like your writing.

    Also, Killer Inside is finished. Read if you like