Touchè. But I think you'll find you joined a clan by the name of 'The Last Refuge For The Writers' or something silly like that for sometime. It was with Stora, Cheese, Feather (I think), Zaln, moi, Shock (for a bit), etc. You won't recognise me like this but I was CoS-Paradox back then. And since you didn't get the memo, iOS account since ATA refuse to switch my UDIDs.
You guys have to remember that he's been gone and doesn't remember every detail or he may not want to share every detail. Have faith guys...
How many of the old ones are still here? I can't find anyone except for you and WW1225. Where they all go?
Stora quit, Zaln used to occasionally post once or twice then go, however stopped; Cheese has disappeared, Winters disappeared, Bastion quit, Marodo quit I think, Bjørn21 I'd say quit but I really didn't know him, Irin quit/disappeared. Not sure when Smighter appeared, my earliest FF appearance was probably Dec. 2010 but I was a complete noob, I first properly did stuff in latish 2011 I should say. Just about it.
Ouch. I can tell. This has gone downhill a lot. I remember coming back once and noticing. I was surprised anyone even played this game anymore. It's so weird seeing no one I know. It's quite simply...dead. Perhaps we could revive it some way.
I'd be interested in how you think we could do that, as I've been trying to bring some energy back and am planning on posting a few stories this summer to get things moving.
Well more stories always helpful but more readers is going to go a long way for activity. When I wrote DT I basically pestered my entire clan about it. That's a lot of new readers. If we had more awareness and readers that would probably be the best way to revive it. Tell everyone you know on KaW! Tell your clan! We just need more people flowing through here.
That was when clans were like that's not always the case. We need good content to keep people interested as well. We have the power if we wish to do such a crazy thing...
I agree there too. If we had half the good writers we used to we'd be fine. Too bad zaln, bastion, stora, irin, marian, and everyone else left. Well. Nothing we can do about that. But Bremen's and Charizards stories are pretty good but other than that there are few good posts here.
We just need to make this a community again... more than the writing, we need an open community where ppl can talk not just about writing, but just as ppl... it's a far-fetched wish at most lol
Well I haven't been here long so I haven't really read them all so I don't know all of them. I'll get to lil tigers
back during November-February we talked a lot about anything and everything on this thread, but now a lot of the regulars disappeared. Its me, my alts and lil_tiger now. Pheonix left, smighter is semi-active...