The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. The login screen is new.
  2. It is? I need to get on computer kaw soon, then....
  3. What happened? SS please?
  4. You're asking PC to ss... Lol
  5. You can do that. ;)
  6. Windows 7 can, I know that. Not sure of any other OS.
  7. Although it's more typically called a screencap?
  8. Technically peep.
  9. I call mine Marvin
  10. Marvin the Martian. 
  11. Marvin Weddleshire
  12. The Disciples Sneak Preview 2

    The room was dark, filled with musty air. Probably in some sort of old factory. Pitch black, noises coming from everywhere. I have no idea where I am. This place reeked of rotting corpses, human and animal. This was my worst nightmare. Suddenly, this loud noise came from in front of me, it sounded like a door! So I ran as quickly as I could, more like hopped, because I was tied up. My feet hurting of some reason. The pain grew bigger with each hop. Suddenly, I was on the ground. Face wet, tasted like oil and I quickly spit it out, gagging as I did.
  13. The Disciples Episode One releases on May 14th.

    It will be unlike any other story I have ever written. It will be better, bigger and more thorough.

    The plot line is epic and I can't wait for you to read.

    The plot will be revealed on May 7th.
  14. Yeah ok well lets make sure he has to dig through pages to find his reserved posts... And then nobody will look at them if they're like 10-15 pages back.