The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.


    Some douchemuffin deleted all the MSPA info on all the HS characters, trying to me ******* funny. Thanks a lot, asshole. -_-
  2. HAPPY THREE YEAR KAWVERSARY EXODUS! I hope you see this. :D
  3. Supposed to be heartless
  4. I screwed up my lip in gym. :(
  5. I wan a picture so I can laugh at you.

  6. Candarse, Banjo?
  7. Candi's arse. Duhhh
  8. Candidus
  9. See? It works itself out.
  10. See what I did there? :p
  11. Candidurarse

    So many bypasses 0.o
  12. Arse isn't a bypass :(
  13. Ass isn't a bad word in KaW. Neither is damn. Hell. I think that's it
  14. Whoa, computer KaW looks SO odd.