The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I just tagged, remember? :/
  2. I also no longer have 6.55b out.
  3. Damn!
    Instagram @lilbenjamite.
    Still trying to figure out how to post a good picture of myself that doesn't make me look like a gay French person.

    (Sorry if I insulted you, French people are cool.)
  4. The French are in now way cool. :p
  5. No*?

    Some are fine.
    French girls are either ******* hot or ******* ugly.
  6. Hmm, and I always imagined you as a gay Canadian animal
  7. So, any opinions on my new name? :cool:
  8. Who were you before?
  9. As did I.

    Candi is getting the cops called on me. (Long Story. Ask no questions.)
  10. Can I ask questions..?
  11. Stupid school....

    They ask me to do a huge PowerPoint on bullying...of course I use Amanda Todd's video and I have to sit through sad videos and stuff...I'm crying >u<
  12. No questions may be asked.
  13. 12 eyes? I shall slay this hideous beast with honor.