The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. What in the world are you two talking about?

    And what is the story about, Candi?
  2. Took le words outta le mouth smight
  3. I don't know what that is...
  4. Don't speak of Homestuck. That ruined me after I read 6,000 pages in two days. I haven't read it dice then, a year ago.
  5. Oh. Wow. I'm at 6370 right now.

  6. I've just started Act 6, no flipping idea what page :3
  7. Wow. This thread is still going? PAGE 2 ******* xD
  8. Did anyone ever notice the typo on the first post by Irin? It's they're, not their.
  9. Ace. I've looked at it every day of my life.
  10. I think Irin has the same tendencies as all of us.

    "Share their writing"

    Ooh share what they're writing sounds good I'll change it!

    "Share what their writing"

    Oh hey a squirrel
  11. Guanbajaisiwjnebbbevevvrvtctcrcrgsisiicjtnrvr

    My life is over

  12. I'm confused... As usual.
  13. No... I like being confused.
  14. Instagram is the shiz now it seems. It seems kind of pointless though. Either way, a bunch of people I know are on it, so if you are too, lilbenjamite" is the word.
  15. [​IMG]

    It is not. You are misinformed. My soldiers are 42. I win, dammit.
  16. 4 Nobility? Woooooow.