The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I. Am. Going. To. Hurt. Something.
  2. SACRIFICE! SACRIFICE! *throws Angel*
  3. Well... I should probably ask why..

  4. Hulk. I was there.

    Number 55 started? I want to say his name but it's probably censored for the last three letters.

    Where'd you sit? Bleachers? Arcade? Etc?
  5. Steam was offering it to me for £30 because the whole currency system doesn't work fullstop.
    And for £30 they were offering me the first Bioshock, some hats that I can see in a couple of years will be worth multiple thousand credits so maybe I can finally get The Milkman (worth £7) and XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
    Although to frank, XCOM does not entice me in the slightest and is still uninstalled, probably to gifted off in exchange for another game.
    What does entice me is free Bioshock and hats because I'm a horrible and fickle TF2 player that just luvs me some hats.
  6. It always amuses me how eagleking always just kind of rolls in and says something completely inane and ridiculously short but still slightly relevant.
  7. Someone has to do it
  8. Eagle gets what eagle wants.

    In unrelated news, since I'm being forced to see my religious grandparents, AKA my Dad's religious form of crazy side of the family. The following names for Easter are inappropriate to say around them *ahem*:
    Zombie Jesus Day
    Undead Jesus Day
    Vampire Jesus Day (long story)
    Timelord Jesus Day
    Jesus the Hacker Day
    Second Chancer Day
    and Holy **** Cats day.

    Also the following names are deemed inappropriate for 'Good' Friday:
    Depressing Friday
    Morbid Friday
    Special Fish and Chips Friday
    Judas the Traitor Friday
    and House Party with Jesus Day

    In case you can't tell, I'm atheist.
  9. I love Good Friday :3
  10. Jesus the hacker...

    legit as it gets.
  11. Bored....................
  12. Someone hired me, Mal.

  13. Woah, wait. I sat in bleachers, right along third base line. Behind the foul pole, the big yellow one.
  14. What???

    I sat on first base line, a few sections away from foul line.

  15. Fanfic, oh how i love thee.


  17. Thats what I do, 22/7. I only sleep 2 hours...