The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Wow... Candy, so much candy, chocolate, sodas, etc.

    Lollipops are good. My $0.02.

    This is like a candgasm... o_O
  2. My b-day is tomorrow.
    I'm going snowboarding again!
    Suck my M4.
  3. Screw candy and soda.
    Bacon is MY magic.
  4. Have fun Phoenix, but I think I'll pass on that offer.
  5. But candgasms are fun!
  6. No, to suck your M4. Seems highly unpleasant.
  7. Yah. And if I turned I from safe>semi>auto, and it had a BB inside, you wouldn't be feeling anything unpleasant with your tongue anymore, because it would be gone.
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  9. I see myself in there. :)
  10. I'm not in there. *tear falls*
  11. 'Cause you're a noob.
    Listening to Dubstep on freakin' awesome speakers kicks ALL ass.

    And not that Skrillex ****.
  12. Ass has been decimated in battle.
  13. As always.
    What's your favorite band?
    Mine is The Glitch Mob, then goes Bassnectar.

    Oh yeah 'cause my Pokémon are underleveled. Whatever. *Tries again... and again...*
  15. Candi why do i assume that if we ever met you'd be my soulmate?
  16. Hey is there anywhere to write other then on ff?
  17. Sorry but no there isn't Angel