The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I saw ;__; I also saw some guy named Featherhunter or wtvr fighting with OP
  2. Lol.
    He's an oldie.
    The guy we make fun of with the huge ego.
    Got it. :p
  3. I'm sure you haven't seen me under this name.

    It's only a few months old.

    I don't really care to list the others, although I'm sure most of you do know me
  4. I'm second oldest to Cheese.

    I think?

    Check please? And WE NEED TO FARM SOMEONE.

    I hate none of you. You're all ok. :p
  5. Challenge me again, Smighter, and I will think very angry thoughts at my phone.
  6. I meant I'm the oldest, other than you. Thus, second oldest to Cheese.

    That's active, anyways.
  7. *channels seething rage in the direction of the phone*
  8. How am I challenging you???
  9. The thread containing my FF debut is somewhere in the 30's now, I think.

    Please don't go look for it. I can almost guarantee you won't find it, anyways. I'm trying to find my first café post.
  10. Holy crap I found it

  11. Page 1238.

    Oh. My. Stars.
  12. 0_0 There's a Fan Fic Etiquette. That's not mine. WHAT

    Also, I'm searching for Candi' s thread.
  13. It certainly was not my thread.

    Aww crap it was.

    My first thread is the one there. My actual debut... (Shudder)
  14. I can nut find it.
  15. I think they're March 2012 threads.

    Now shoo.
  16. Yay, 10001th post :D
  17. That clarifies that I had been retired from KaW during your debut here lol.

  18. So i'm still writing me story... Just gunna post a bit to see if you like.

    "And yet the deft touch, so subtle, was just enough to topple her down towards the hell she sought heaven in.

    I turned back towards the center, realizing what I had just done. I could have rescued her, fallen off the cliff or continued with her as she took the perilous path that may have led to her redemption.

    But i hadn't hesitated, hadn't thought a second time, hadn't considering anything else. I was selfish and foolish, and in a short act perserved the eternal union that I may have reptured by a simple but complex 'leap of faith'.

    I reminded myself of what I did preserve, my own life. I also secured a safe place in this world. In spite of murdering others, no in defending myself from threats outside of my control, I would be safe. But was it worth the price?"