The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. You'd have to have a decent amount of people willing to sign up.

    I, for one, have a commitment to IM. Sorta. :/
  2. Is it still 25B or is it 100B now?
  3. Well then. I guess I do have 100 nobility lying about.
  4. This homework is hellish…

    Must finish…
  5. I have a boring project to do. I just wanna sleep. :|
  6. Can't wait till my rifle comes!

    Snowboarding tomorrow, for about 9 hours!
  7. I want to go snowboarding for 9 hours.... But hey, lucky you! Have fun!
  8. I'm going snowboarding in a week while I'm on break... I rather go now though.
  9. It's supposed to *just looked out the shades... *Gasp** snow tonight, which it is! A light snow.
    Perfect. I'm going snowboarding tomorrow! With a light snow! Woot!
    Also, I'm probably going to collapse on the floor after I'm done, and I won't be able to move my legs for a week.
  10. I hate you Phoenix.

    It snows once every 5 years here.
  11. Lol! Well, goodnight.
    Check my thread in OGD in AT!
  12. I started writing again... Again.

    But this time, it's a story that I've actually been thinking over for weeks. I'm not posting any of it today, but the first chapter/post of Iphitos may be making an appearance soon!
  13. I've been attempting to write a book over the span of a year.

    Still on the first page.

    I have the whole entire story plotted out, just don't know how to put it into words worthy of the plot.

    And I always get distracted and write songs.
  14. Just like me. I consider myself a painter, because the picture is crystal clear in my mind, but I have horrendous brushstrokes.
  15. I'm like that too...
  16. Oh I know. In my mind I can picture it perfectly.
  17. Forum ban for our little "Necrobumper" requested.
  18. Happy Valentine's Day to all my friends here at the Café!

    (Oh, and you too Pheefers. xP)