The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. ^_^ happy annoversawy
  2. Who are all you people 0-0
  3. we're the peoples front of Judea
  4. Haven't changed. Just gotten older :eek:
  5. @Cheese

    Is true, is me.
  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CANDI!!! *takes out deformed cake I baked myself*
  7. Can someone read my story (Unknown Secrets) and leave feedback? I'd really appreciate it  if u could, tell me how I can make my story better. Thnx! 
  9. Who's birthday?
  10. Happy Birthday Madamoiselle (i think).
  11. She's a bloke.
  12. Hush, eagle. And it's only my KaW birthday, but thanks :D
  13. BanderSnatch = Eagle?

    Hai eagle :0
  14. Yes. Bandersnatch= Eagle.
  15. Eagleking, that is.
  16. I'm the better Eagle :3