The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Idk he locked the Popularity thread
  2. Newbs these days.

    The popularity thread was essentially a post count farm. It got spammy. All it is is numbers floating around randomly. It deserved a lock. It wasn't even worth anything.
  3. Can you please stop calling me a ******* newb
  4. Truth hurts ;P
  5. Yeah but annoyong lies are worse. I've played over half a year, built a guide that's been stickied, helped countless noobs, helped shut down OoS, forced players double my size to quit the game, and fought with ZAFT and Regulators Retribution. I helped people who are currently mods BECOME mods. My stats may say newb but trust me I'm anything but.
  6. Truth huuuurts
  7. Damn I should really lay off the drugs. I don't remember typing that ****, though its true.
  8. You become more unlikeable with every word... :3
  9. Good. Then you should hate me by now.
  10. Eagleking is... disturbingly correct.
  11. Cough,

    "Im a newb srry"

    "Stop calling me a ****ing noob"
  12. Just to point out a newb and a noob are completely different
  13. Actually, let me correct that

    Both statements included the word newb, not noob.
  14. I'm always disturbing!
  15. I've written up the first page of my story its kind of a prologue that tells the history of the kingdom and how the king got his thrown so if you cloud take a look and see what you think. I would continue on and have new characters and twists but this is a start so here we go:

    Our tale begins on a Warm mid summer’s eve. However this evening is unlike any other. This is an evening which hosts the event of which the likes have never been seen before. Yes, for it is on this very mid-summer eve is when the new king of Leodar has been crowned. His Coronation has taken place in the city of Yonder, the capital of his newly acquired kingdom.

    The king will rule kindly and be adored by many; however you cannot have friends without making a few enemies. So a group was formed known as the Cartel whom planned to overthrow the king and take the throne for their own. Of course the group was lead by the kings own brother who had grown jealous and thought that he deserved the throne more than his wiser and kinder brother. So the Cartel grew in numbers quietly underneath the kings nose until one day the kings brother, Rondlain, decided to emerge from the shadows and attack one of his brothers towns on the outskirts of his kingdom.

    The battle did not last long as the Cartel’s forces much outnumbered the forces of the small un-expecting town and so Rondlian had his first victory. By the time word had reached the king his brother had already laid siege to three more of the Kingdoms cities. With each victory the Cartel’s army would grow in numbers and morale, and by the time the Cartel had reached the capital of Yonder they were more than ready for the battle. This battle was much bloodier than the first and raged on for many months and the kings forces grew thin, but still they held their ground. However Rondlian was smarter than the king gave him credit for and had a secret weapon in store for when the final battle was to take place.

    Alas that day finally came when the king and his brother met face to face. They both new this day would come and when their eyes locked they both knew that this was the end to the battle many had lost their lives to. They charged at each other and engaged in a swirling fury of strikes and blocks which went on for hours. Then finally the king landed a blow so fearsome that even an elf would not be able to counter. Rondlian fell to his knees, holding his stomach as blood rushed out. He had been defeated. But the king’s brother still had his secret weapon. So when a wry smile crept onto Rondlian’s lips the king could not help but ask what caused the smile.

    “You fool.” Rondlain Answered. “Did your feeble little mind really think that I would come so ill prepared?”

    And before the king could answer out of the ashes of the burning city there was a light. The light emerged and flew towards the king and his brother. As the light came into focus the king began to speculate as to what the light was. Then it dawned on him: His brother has come across a phoenix. A phoenix was one of the most elusive and powerful creatures in the time of elves and dwarves. In fact, it was so powerful that a single tear could restore the life to a fallen friend. This of course was exactly the property Rondlain needed and of course the phoenix provided. Not only was the kings brother’s life restored to him, but he came back feeling as though he had slept a thousand years and was able to easily overcome his brothers weakening blows.

    Finally the king was defeated. The Cartels were victorious. Rondlain took the crown from his brothers cold dead hands and placed it atop his own head. He was the new king of Leodar. However he would not be a good king like his brother. No, he could not forget his murderous ways and just being the king of a small kingdom was not enough for him. He had to have more. And so began the plague of war that would sweep over the nation of Leodar and would not cease until the king’s throne and his immortality had been stripped from him.
  16. I usually start typing something to post on here, but then I delete it and go back to lurking.
  17. Hey guys if u could please read the prologue if my story a life of lies I'd be so grateful thanks
  18. Mal, post it or I'll farm you. :mad: I have the stats to destroy you.