The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. You in trouble with the police again?
  3. What'd you do Candi?
  4. I did absolutely ******* nothing. Absolutely. Nothing.
  5. Off topic
  6. Clearly you know nothing about the Writer's Café, good sir.
  7. Most of the stuff we do has nothin to do with writing anymore by the way hi Candi we haven't met before but hi :cool:
  8. ... domo gtho the writers café is always off topic.
  9. Billo!! Sup little apprentice?
  10. The Writer's Café has truly turned into a Café full of writers, sipping coffee and mulling over their days whilst scribbling wildly in a rather worn notebook. If there happen to be other writers, they are usually doing the same and strike up a slightly eccentric conversation at some point.

    That's how the physical representation of the Café would go, at least.
  11. I'm sorry that it never ceases to rain, Candi.

    Someday you'll be rid of the isle.
  12. She speaks the truth! *drinks his monster*
  13. Hey all. No one probably knows/remembers me, but I've been having home issues lately. i'm hoping to get started on my hungers games story again, so watch for it!
  14. Your name is familiar....
  15. Well here we are again. Morning, check. Absurd time in other TZ's (and mine) for people to be KaWing… check. Nothing else to do but make images come true.

    *Settles down at the bar with a notebook in hand and a mug of hot chocolate, scribbling at random paces*
  16. I just woke up... I slept too long again... blehh *climbs off of the bench in the cafe*
  17. Troll in the dungeon!