The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I... I am just amused by monkeys...
  2. [​IMG]

    Started upgrading my monkeys.

  3. OH GAWD ATTACK OF MONKEYS!! Where is Chongo Hombre at...
  4. Stop monkeying around :p
  5. I got bored of monkeys. :(
  6. *goes to play last stand endless PvZ*
  7. ... VV? Do you remember me? No, of course you don't. It's certainly been a while... Ooh, too GLaDOS-y there, wasn't it? You won't recognize me. :(
  8. That game on the computer is amazing.
  9. So how are you writers doing?
  10. I... am still writing portal ficlets. Surprise!
  11. You asked. At least I'm not totally silent anymore.
  12. the fifth one is out, and is even better.
  13. I don't have enough money on my iTunes account. :(
  14. Its my birfday so I just got like $200
  15. I am so ****ing screwed. Sigh...