The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Kat.

    Welcome to my everyday life.

    No joke. My mind is always spinning with songs, as of now: Boston by Augustana, 100 songs from Les Mis(As in a hundred songs are stuck in my head from Les Mis.) Istanbul(Not Constantinople) by someone and Phoenix(Not you, Phoenix.), Viva la Vida by Coldplay. A few songs from muse, shadow of the day from linkin park, it ends tonight by all-american rejects, and more.

    A lot more.
  2. Smighter.

    I must meet you.

    Your taste in music is the exact same as mine.

  3. I will run till I get to the edge of the earth.

    And then jump off when I see you.

    JUST KIDDING! Or am I?
  4. Yeah but you actually would

    So have fun jumping off a cliff.
  5. You could get married :3
  6. The edge of the world, gosh candy. What the neck? Not a cliff. I'm too lazy to change what the neck to what the neck.

  7. If anything Smighter would be my marriage counselor.
  8. And oh gosh I just saw the guy who said Halloooo on the other page and I need to do this.

    "Don't believe me? Here! I'll put you on!"


    "That's you! That's how dumb you sound!"
  9. I agree. Marriage counselor is better.

    Humans aren't the kind of lifetime companions I'd like.
  10. I want an oracle turret


    So cute

    And so much more manageable
  11. Portuls!! Hur hur hur
  12. What did I just step into...
    Cool story, Candy! Very mysterious.
    Smighty: awesome story, but it needs more details, and the flow is a little weird, I think.
    Like "I couldn't move, however."
    Where'd the however come from? But then you look at the next sentence and it fits in with the flow of "I couldn't even strain."
    But then, I go back to the original question: where'd the "however" come from?
  13. Thank youz.

    It's about the oracle turret, hurr.
  14. I bet you all expected me to say my occasional word of wisdom. But I won't say it, as I'm going to sleep. Finally sleeping at a reasonable time feels great.
  15. I'm doing #$@%ing homework...
  16. Good luck. See y'all later.
  17. I'm ready to drop my build in-game to farm the spammers on FF.
  18. Maliwan where the **** did you come from
  19. It's been really quiet around FF........ Is anyone writing a story or something
  20. Use your eyes and find out.